October 2011

An evening walk up Mt. Rubidoux

I decided that I needed to do a little extra exercise during the week. Something more than hiking on the weekends. With that in mind, I decided to go for a walk this evening. I thought I would walk to the gated of Mt. Rubidoux and back for a total of 2 miles.

I got to the gates and thought I would go up the road about a half mile to make it a three mile walk. On the way past the gates, one of my sons friends ran up to my side and said hi. We talked and I decided to go further. He was headed to the top so we walked up the down road which is twice as steep as the up road. Soon we were to the top where my sons friend was going to watch the sun set.

I continued on my walk. I though, this is going to be somewhat longer than a couple of miles. In all, the walk from home to the top using the paved trails is 5.45 miles. I am glad it was a simple walk in the park. A year ago it would have taken a few stops to catch my breath. Thankfully, I am getting in better shape. Then again, there are more mountains to climb, mountains much taller than Mt. Rubidoux.

A look at downtown RIverside from Mt. Rubidoux

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