July 2013

Monroe Mountain Geocaching

Today we started out on a geocaching adventure. The first stop was in the town of Monroe Utah for a geocache called Monroe Creamery. When I was a little boy I remember going to the creamery in Monroe. My grandfather gave me a tour. I remember a large boiler because it had fire in it. I also remember some apparatus that was used to make some cheese product. What I remember most of all was the ice cream bar I received at the end of my tour.

From Monroe, we headed east up the canyon. The road was dirt and not very wide. We stopped for a geocache named Devils Dutch Oven. There were many photo opportunities along the way.


We continued our trip up the top grabbing Monroe Mountain Cache where I was rained on a lot. From there it was to the other side of the peak and the Rabit Ears Overlook II geocache. A look from near the geocache shows that there is a little rain in the sky.


As I was making my way to the cache there was a group of ATV riders wrapping themselves in blankets and anything warm they could find. One of then asked if we were from Moreno Valley as the license plate frame had that name on it. We stated that we were from Riverside. Many of the group were from Southern California as well. With the inclement weather we chose to use a vehicle with a heater and windshield.

Of course I was out running around on the peak of a mountain in a rainstorm looking for geocaches in shorts and a rain-gear jacket. Did someone say something about lightning and thunder?

We made our way down the east side of the mountain towards Koosharem. There were many beautiful sights. We saw several deer along the way as well.


We passed through Koosharem and headed up to Fish Lake, our destination for Dinner. Janet and I had a nice dinner at the Bowry Haven Resort. It would have been a better dinner with fresh green beans rather than canned green beans. What are they thinking?

Fish Lake has always had a place in my heart. As a child, our family went fishing there with Grandma and Grandpa Rogers. There were two memorable events from my childhood that I clearly remember. The first was that I was fishing with two hooks on my line. I had a fish on and was reeling it in. It seemed a little difficult as I was a young boy. I kept working the reel to get the fish closer to shore. i got a little help from my grandfather and much to my surprise, there were two trout on the line, one on each hook.

As for the other event, it was my grandma Rogers and her cast. She prepared to launch her bait into the lake and as she flipped her rod out Alan my brother began to scream. She had firmly placed the hook in his ear. It was serious business at that time. However, it brings a chuckle and smile to my face as I have grown older.


I also spent an afternoon fishing several years ago with my oldest son Scott at Fish Lake. Before we got to Fish Lake, we picked up worms in Koosharem at the self serve bait station.


It was then off to Fish Lake where we had a good time. For the day we caught a couple of trout and Scott caught many yellow perch.


When we got back to grandma and grandpa Rogers, Scott tied one of the perch on his line and cast it out into the backyard of their home. There was a feral cat that lived on the property that would chase the little perch. We called that cat fishing.

As for the day, it was great. There is nothing like getting outdoors and seeing a little bit of nature and God’s creations, creating memories, as well as looking back on fond memories as well.

2 comments to Monroe Mountain Geocaching

  • John Blackham

    So would Monroe Mtn. be a good easy On Target peak?

  • Because it sits at 11,217 it is high enough to see many of the peaks around. A few years ago we were going to have a Team at Brian Head and my son and I were going to be on Monroe Mountain. It is about 74 miles from one peak to the other and you can drive to the top of both. That is sure easier that going to the 11,503 peak of San Gorgonio which requires and overnight backpacking trip and a round trip of about 23 miles. Add in the 45 minute drive on the dirt road to get to the trail head and Monroe Mountain or Brian Head look easy.

    Being from Southern California, I could not tell you much about camping on either mountain. However, it looks like there are a lot of places to camp on Monroe Mountain without much of a problem. It is only a 16 mile trip to the top of Monroe Peak from Monroe.

    As for next weekend, I should be on top of Mt San Gorgonio.