June 2009

Dad, Another day in the battle at LLUMC – Day 10

Today is Jury Duty so I am writing my blog from the Jury Room. I saw Dad this morning. He looked like he was sleeping when I walked in. His right leg was dangling off the bed and he had been given oxygen yesterday because his O2 level was low. The PCA said that she had put his legs back in bed and they kept finding their way out.

Dad popped his eyes open and I said good morning. He did not feel that his night went well. His PCA said that he had run a high temperature during the night. Dad looked a little uncomfortable but he did not know what he wanted to do to feel more comfortable. He was also breathing through his mouth and the O2 was in his nose. Eric came into the room and we talked for a few minutes. Dad wanted to sit so we moved a chair next to his bed and helped him into the chair. He was more comfortable there. He actually began breathing through his nose so he got more color in his face.

We chatted for a while and Eric had to get to work. Soon I had to go so I could make it to Jury Duty. Wayne is going to visit this morning and I my add more later.

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