A month ago I was invited to the first Riverside Commuity Sailing Progarm meeting by Lanny Coon. He is heading up the project of getting a youth sailing program started. Years ago, like more than 25 years ago there was an organization at the park that taught young people to sail. The sailing stopped after the lake filled up with silt to the point that sailing was difficult. The boats had been stored in an old boathouse for all those years. A couple of years ago the sailboats were moved and the old boathouse was razed. A new boathouse has been built in the past few weeks.

The Boat House
Looking for a fun activity to do, the young men in Crew 6 have cleaned up the boat house and the two rowboats that were extremely dirty. The two row boats were so dirty that they had to be scrubbed and scrubbed. They look a lot better. Of course it is difficult to see how wonderful they look with sails sitting on top of them.

Inside the Boat House
Just this past week the old sailboats were returned to a boat house. The boats are very dusty.

Dirty sail boats inside the Boat House
This morning we put more carpet down so all the boats could rest against the walls. The sailboats will be cleaned up at a future crew meeting. We will then match the booms, rudders and other rigging so that we can get a small fleet prepared to teach youth how to sail.
Of course, after a little work comes a little play. Looking back to the dock as we set sail.

Sailing away from the dock
Looking out at the island. You will notice the lack of ripples on the water that indicates the lack of a good wind.

The island in Lake Evans
There are more ripples on the water as I take a picture of myself. We actually sailed out to the far corner behind me and sailed back. I am looking forward to some more time on the water with a little more wind.

Sailing on Lake Evans at Fairmont Park