December 2009

Christmas Tree 2009

We decided this year to be a little more budget conscious with our Christmas. One of the first steps was to get the artificial tree out of the top of the garage. We have never used it. The tree was given to us about 9 years ago by a family member who many years previous to that received it from Janet’s parents.

I climbed to the top of the garage and wrestled the tree into the house. Opened the box and found lots of branches. I then had to figure out how it went together. I started the process of sorting everything out and mapping how to put the branches on the tree when the instructions appeared in the bottom of the box. I was close on how the branches went in the tree. However, I did not fully understand how the process worked.

I paid close attention to the instructions. I gathered several of the branches and explained to Janet that she needed to bend the little branches out and give the branches a full look. She let me know that I was putting the tree together. I let her know that I was going to put the tree together; however, she had an important role in making sure the tree looked good. She let me know that she did not know how to bend the branches out and make them look full. I kindly showed her how and I showed her the instructions. I said that they were explicit – woman bends and fluffs the branches to look full. Man places them on the tree. As a side, I bent and fluffed several branches and Janet is by far the better branch bender and fluffer. Perhaps that is why the instructions were written the way there are.

How to build a better tree

How to build a better tree

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