March 2010

Jacob's Spring Break - Day 3

Jacob made it thorough the day without being captured digitally as far as I can tell. His day started “with a 2 + plus mile tour of Arlington National Cemetery” where he “experienced the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of Unknown Soldiers.” Then it was off to a tour of the the Capitol […]

Jacob's Spring Break - Day 2

Day two started out early for Jacob. Today’s adventures took him several places. The day started at the “White House National Archives, the Natural History Museum in DC proper and then headed a little ways outside of town to Mt. Vernon, the home of George Washington” as reported here.

Jacob in front […]

Jacob's Spring Break

I am sound asleep. I have not been feeling well and actually went to the doctor last night. So what do I wake up to this morning at 4:52 AM? A text message. Jacob could not make it to the AMOC yesterday because he was on the east coast for spring break. He sent me […]

Crew 6 - AMOC

Today Crew 6 made a trip to the Air and Marine Operations Center on March Air Reserve Base. What is this place? It is a place that watches thousands of aircraft and watercraft within and without our borders. We saw a short video that went over the operation. It was informative. There is an explanation […]

Worm Behavior

Eric did another experiment for the Environmental Science Merit Badge that he is working on. He needed to put 10 worms in a box that was half in the shade and half in light. The worms were placed in the center and he watched them for five minutes. Would the worms go to the light […]

Limeade and Directions

The past couple of days Eric complained about a pain in his abdomen area, especially when he drank the limeade that I purchased for him. I took him to the doctor today. Questions asked, answers given. We were walked across that hall to the gastroenterologist who asked more questions. He asked them fairly quickly. Questions […]

Garden - 2010

I was at Home Depot a couple of days ago getting some flowers for Eric. He needed them for a experiment for the Environmental Science merit badge. As I was there I grabbed a few plants for the garden. Yes it is the beginning of March and it still could freeze, but I am willing […]