September 2010

Gone Green

Just after 9 PM tonight a new cache was published – Gone Green – GC2EHRT. The cache has a difficulty of four out of five. It also had a terrain rating of four out of five. Jacob, Eric and I rushed out of the house prepared for a First To Find (FTF). We arrived at Ground Zero (GZ) and it was quiet and peaceful. We began to look for the geocache that was placed by Team-Evil. The coordinates showed that the cache was to be located somewhere on a large solar panel structure.

Where could that little cache be?

We were on site for about 15 minutes when another cacher pulled up. We all kept looking. Yes, four people staring at the bottom side of a large structure shining flashlights up. The other geocacher made a phone call. The word was that the cache was in a particularly difficult place to get to that matched the spot that the coordinates were pointing to. Somewhat in disbelief, we picked Jacob up and had him stand on our shoulders to verify the location of the cache. The answer was, it looks like there is something there. Yes this cache placement was indeed evil.

As we were equipment challenged to address the difficulty of this particular cache, we went home for a bigger truck and a “Tool of the Trade” (TOTT). We returned, positioned the truck and TOTT in the proper position and made the grab. The container was a mini Altoids tin painted white. The cache lived up to its difficulty and terrain rating.

This was the first find for Team JIG consisting of geocachers J.A.P (Jacob), ikicracker (Eric) and myself (gdpalmer) and a FTF for Team JIG for the cache Gone Green. We are looking forward to the next cache placed by Team-Evil.

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