June 2011

Run, Walk and Jog

Tonight Janet and I went to the Thursday evening barbeque and sail. We had a little to eat and then we came home. I wanted to sail, but I needed to do some exercise. It was off to Mt. Rubidoux running with some walking and jogging along the way. The air was cool and there […]

Riverside City Council Regatta

Yesterday was a long day at the lake. It was the Riverside City Council Regatta. We got everything set up in time and the event went off without a hitch. I usually have a child there to take photos so I can post them on the blog. However, they were all off doing other things […]

Barking Dogs

The dog bark in the evening now and then which does not bother us. Occasionally, they get downright noisy and sometimes it is late at night. One of our neighbors said they were going to call us in the middle of the night when the dogs were barking. I let the neighbor know that the […]

More Exercise

There is a time when one has to say, “Do I really want more exercise tonight?” Last night I went for a run/walk of about 3 miles. I felt good afterwards even if I got a little winded when I ran. Tonight I determined that I still needed to exercise. Perhaps a little upper body […]

Another thought on Dad's.

I saw this cartoon this morning and it brought a smile to my face.

by Nate Beeler, The Washington Examiner

Father’s Day - 2011

This Fathers Day weekend was a little difficult. Two years ago, on the Friday evening before Fathers Day Jacob and I were headed out for a Boy Scout overnight campout at Blue Ridge and then a hike up Mt Baden Powell the next morning. Dad passed away just four days after our trip up to […]

Dry Lake with Crew 6

This afternoon Jacob and I arrived back in Riverside after an overnight backpacking adventure. The adventure started Crew 6 at the trailhead for the South Fork Trail which leads into the San Gorgonio Wilderness. We started there with a group shot at about 4:30 PM

We then headed up the trail in a small […]

Making Lemons Great

I have been trying to get in better shape for the past few months. My weight is lower than it has been in years and physically I am in better shape and stronger. Occasionally, I will eat more than I should for lunch so I will have a can of green beans for dinner. Tonight […]

Graduation – Eric

The graduation ceremony for River Springs Charter School was this afternoon. Eric was able to walk across the stage and receive his pretend diploma along with the rest of the graduating class of 2011. All I have to say is that they grow up quickly.

Eric walking across the stage


Sailing Season

The weather has been warmer and the sun is out later so there is a plan to sail more often. Sitting in a sail boat in light wind is not a very good cardio exercise so I will have to balance diet, exercise and sailing. Then again, keeping wind in the sail takes thought and […]

San Bernardino Trail

Today was another training hike for Philmont. Unfortunately, the only young man that could make it was Jacob. Emily was going to go as well, you know, for the exercise. We got a late start and left the house at 6:45 am. We were crunched for time because lunch was going to be at the […]