This Fathers Day weekend was a little difficult. Two years ago, on the Friday evening before Fathers Day Jacob and I were headed out for a Boy Scout overnight campout at Blue Ridge and then a hike up Mt Baden Powell the next morning. Dad passed away just four days after our trip up to the top of Mt. Baden Powell. I found myself driving up the road into the San Bernardino Forest thinking about my father. I thought about the times I spent with my father as a young boy. I hoped that someday, my boys and daughter will have fond memories of the time we spent together as well as the time they spent with their grandfathers and great-grandfather. I looked back and grabbed a few of the old pictures of the children with dad, grandpa or great-grandfather.
In 2000 Scott was visiting his Great-grandfather Rogers and had a Christmas morning surprise, snow. He thought it would be fun to shovel a little snow.
In 2004 Scott was celebrating his November birthday with his Grandpa Shumway who was also born in November.
In 2004 Eric and Jacob get hugs from Grandpa Brown.
In 2005 Scott and I backpacked into John’s Meadow.
In 2006 Jacob and I went on a fishing trip to the headwaters of the Santa Ana River.
In 2008 Eric, Jacob and I took a little ride on horses in Southern Utah.
In 2009 Jacob and I were out Geocaching and I tried to get a picture of us. After a few tries I got Jacob to smile.
In 2010 Emily and I spent some time shooting air guns.
In 2010 Eric, Jacob and I visited Great-grandpa Rogers.
In 2011 Emily, Jacob and I took a hike up the San Bernardino trail in the San Bernardino Mountains.
I also have taken time to think about the last Fathers Day I spent with my father two years ago. My brothers Alan, Wayne. And Eric and I gathered around our father’s bedside. We talked about the years that had passed, the fun that we had. We talked about the river trip that we took together in 2004. The five of us had a great time. I also remember that we sang to our father on that day. It put a big smile on Dad’s face.
Again, the year has quickly passed, I remember back to Dad passing away days after Fathers day. In some ways it feels like two years ago was a long time ago and in other ways it feels like last week.
This Fathers Day, I woke up to my lovely wife who wished me a Happy Fathers Day. A hour later I received a text from Emily wishing me a Happy Fathers Day as she was on her way to work. Scott gave me a big hug and wished me a Happy Fathers Day as he and friends went to the beach for the afternoon. Eric received a call from work that they wanted him to come in. He quickly got ready, gave me a hug and wished me a Happy Fathers Day. This evening, he came home, wished me a Happy Fathers Day and went out with some friends. Jacob and I spent most of the day together. He wished me a Happy Fathers day a few times throughout the day. Overall it has been a good day.
As the evening wears on, the house is quiet and it has given me a time to reflect on my father. I am thankful for my father and I am proud to be his son.