July 2012

July 4 Parade and Activities

The parade in Richfield is an ongoing tradition for us. We do not make it every year, sometime there are several years between. However, we have been getting better at staking our spot. Usually the day before someone goes to the parade route and sets up chairs. I stopped by a couple of hours before the parade to drop off more chairs.

The parade is a fun and has everything from tractors, basic floats, a could of bands as well as the big gun. Can you think of a better ride for your wife and child?

Of course, there are other guns. Written on the side of the pickup truck, “Buy this truck, get a free gun.” What kind of gun? We asked, it is a Weatherby in your choice of caliber.

I snapped a couple of other pictures to give a little flavor of the parade.


The parade also has some groups that dance. Wayne has made it a tradition to go out on the parade route and dance as well. This year included a few of the nieces and nephews. No pictures as I was too busy laughing.

After the parade we went to the Central Valley Forth of July BBQ and games. They have relay races and sack races for all. In the 35 to 50 category I was beat by my younger brother Eric and was fortunant to beat my other two younger brothers Alan and Wayne. I raced again in the over 50 category. Alan wanted a rematch so he stepped up to the line as well. As before, he beet me off the line. However, as explained by Wayne, once I got my fat in motion, there was no hope for Alan. It was a great time for all.

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