September 2012

Flash - San Gorgonio to Hayden Peak

Today was Operation On Target, a BSA event where Varsity Scouts go to mountain tops to signal each other with mirrors. Early on we received a signal from Hayden Peak, some 180 miles away. We were in contact via HAM radios to verify that we saw their mirror flash a signal at us. It was too windy to put together the 2 foot by 2 foot mirror. However, when the wind died down, we got the 2×2 put together and sent a mirror flash back to Hayden Peak.

One other highlight was flashing my brother and his family who were at home in Vista, some 65 miles away. As for the 23 mile round trip, it was long. I am just glad to be home.

Hayden Peak off in the distance through the haze

EDIT – 9/22 – Verified that Hayden peak saw a flash twice from San Gorgonio. We saw a flash twice on San Gorgonio from Hayden as well.

2 comments to Flash – San Gorgonio to Hayden Peak

  • GDPalmer:

    If you were able to confirm via radio or cell phone while on the peaks that you saw each other you would have broken the On Target distance record:

    NEW ON TARGET (confirmed?) RECORD?: Hayden Peak, AZ to San Gorgonio, CA: 179.77 miles
    OLD ON TARGET RECORD (1980s): Charleston Peak, NV, to San Jacinto, CA: 178.43 miles

    Were you able to talk to the team on the other peak and confirm the flash sightings in both directions? Please let me know so we can post this if you indeed broke the record.

    Thank you,
    John Blackham, ontarget.gslc -at- gmailcom

  • I have verified that Hayden peak saw a flash twice from San Gorgonio. We saw a flash twice on San Gorgonio from Hayden as well.