There is nothing cuter than a little monkey skeleton out on Halloween. Elizabeth got to do a little “Trick or Treating” around the neighborhood before she fell asleep. Being carried around and smiling is tough work . . .
There is nothing cuter than a little monkey skeleton out on Halloween. Elizabeth got to do a little “Trick or Treating” around the neighborhood before she fell asleep. Being carried around and smiling is tough work . . . Tonight I wanted to go on a five mile walk. Emily needed to get some homework done. Walking up Mt Rubidoux pushing a stroller can be a good workout. Elizabeth and I set out with a couple of blankets for her and two jackets for me. We also had a water bottle for me and […] From the house it is a little difficult to see the sun go down. We took a walk towards the river bottom. It is a bit easier than a walk up Mt. Rubidoux to get to the other side of the mountain. We were a little late on catching all of the sunset. However, we […] Shave of the Day – Cyril R. Salter Sublime Citrus Luxury Shaving Cream, Simpson “Chubby” 1 Super Badger Brush, Giesen & Forsthoff, #500, 5/8 wide and Musgo Real No. 1 Orange Amber Fall is upon us as the cooler weather replaces the hot summer that we have had. It is also the time […] Rather than just hike the same 6.5 miles today, I thought I would pick up a few geocaches along the way. As for the day, the weather was forecast to have a 20 percent chance of showers and fog. As I headed to Box Springs Park, there was not a lot of drizzle, but there […] It was a pleasant surprise when I cam home tonight to find the children were creating green house gasses in honor that global warming stopped 16 years ago. Of course there was a haze in the kitchen due to the making of french fries. The haze was promptly transported outside along with the […] Yes it did. All the information is available here. So do I get to ask why I pay more for energy because a group of “Chicken Little’s” had to scream, “The red stuff is going higher in the glass tube.” I think I will have to stoke up the BBQ this week and emit some […] Today I was off the the Two Trees trailhead again. I skipped last Saturday to do a few things around the house. I hiked the same path, up the Two Trees Trail to the road and then up the Spring trail to the road and then up the road to take the Ridge Trail down […] For several years now I have wanted to visit the Aspen Groves where quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) could be found in the San Gorgonio Wilderness. Should I say, for almost 20 years. Many years ago we visited the ranger station to get a day hike permit. There were no more permits for Aspen Grove so […] I came across this video of The Star Spangled Banner by Madison Rising and thought I would share it. My little girl turned 23 today. This year has been a big year for her as she is now a mom. It is amazing how fast they grow up. I took some time and made a card covered with pictures from the past. Elizabeth is officially two months old. More smiles are being found and there is more activity. She is leaving the world of newborn sized clothes as she fills them out now. As for the ladybug blanket she is on, the material came from Grandma Brown and it was beautifully crafted my my Aunt who makes […] |