September 2014

Living on Earth post 9/11

Several years have passed from 11th of September in the year of 2001. I remember turning on the radio on my way to work and hearing reports of what was going on. At work the internet provided more information. During lunch at home I was able to watch the television. The feelings of that day and images that I saw have left an impression on me that has not seemed to dim in the years hence.

Just recently I was in the Downtown Fire Station museum where they have some twisted steel from the Twin Towers. As I touched the steel there I could help but think about all those that perished that day. The thought also crossed my mind, are we any better off now than we were 13 years ago.

Life on earth is fragile. We live each day not knowing if it will be our last. If we have our choice, we will do everything right to survive another day. However, there are people or situation out in the world that can make things a little difficult to make it another day. For the most part, we are all successful to wake up another day and make our way out into the chaos or lack of chaos that may meet us any given day.

Heavenly Father has blessed me while I have been on earth. I have survived relatively well. Yes, I am getting older like everyone else on this planet. I would hope that I will continue on for many more years. I still have several things in my bucket list to do. I still have time to spend with my family. I still have the opportunity to watch my children and grandchild grow and learn. The excitement in the eyes of a two year old grandchild is amazing in and of itself.

Even if life is fragile, there is no reason to not have the excitement in our eyes each day. For we have been blessed to be on earth one more day. There are those that due to misfortune and the acts of others do not have that option. May we never forget September 11, 2001.

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