November 2015

Oak Glen

Today Emily, Elizabeth and I took a trip to Oak Glen to go on a hike. Elizabeth has been wanting to go to the mountains. The have a nice trail at the Oak Glen Preserve. The main loop trail is 2 miles which would make for a fun activity. One of the first things we passed was a pond. There was a small floating dock that Elizabeth walked out on. She did not like the way it felt so she was quick to get off the floating dock. She did take time to sit and look at the water and the things going on at the ponds edge.


We continued out hike downhill knowing that we would need to go uphill at some time. Towards the lowest part of the trail Elizabeth told us she was tired. We stopped and had snacks. Of course she recovered from being tired in about 10 minutes and was ready to play. I go her to stand in front of a giant sequoia and pose for a picture. It took several picture to find the right one as she was wanting to play with the sticks that she had found.


We continued and soon enough we were going up hill. She wanted someone to carry her. We told her she was a big girl and she could make it. Of course the thought of the petting zoo helped her along. We made good time back to the main area. Elizabeth held the bunnies and looked at other animals. She fed the goats and sheep. She also was giving the animals a good inspection. She really had no explanation what she was looking at. She was just looking.

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Then it was time to go. She ran the other direction and let us know that she did not want to go. She was busy and could not go. How busy can a three year old get? Well, if you are pumping water you are busy. She pumped water for a good five minutes before she was saved from a lifetime of pumping water.


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