June 2021

Lost Horse Mine

Sometimes you see a picture in your mind. Then you plan on how to get the picture. It requires about a two-hour drive and a four-mile hike to be in the right place. To be there at the right time, the plan is to get up very early, so you are on site at […]

Tree with a Attitude

Now and then you see something that strikes your eye. The average tree has a bark that could be considered unremarkable. Some trees have a little more character in their bark. Some tree barks even have a fragrance. Then there is the Floss Silk Tree. There is nothing silky about that bark.


Cat Eye

When I was a kid, there were cat eye marbles in my marble bag. They did not look like cat eyes to me. Then again, the cat eye on the concrete cat does not nook much like a cat eye. The cat sits on the top of a fountain at a neighbors house.


Color me Pink

I needed a picture with a little color. I rememberd seeing a post from the City of Riverside with a pink wall. I drove around with the grandchild looking for the wall. I searched the feed from the city and found the location. Decided to have some fun as we took some clean paintbrushes […]