August 2009

Shave of the Day - Blenheim Bouquet

Shave12One of my favorite shave creams is Penhalagon’s Blenheim Bouquet.  Desiring to get a little more information, some friends that are in London took a stroll over to Panhalagon’s at 41 Wellington Street, Covent Garden, London.  The report is as follows:  “The one at Covent Garden has been there since about 1802. It has all in dark wood with glass covered cupboards lining the side. In the centre of the room was a large round wooden table with each of their fragrances displayed in a circle. Behind each fragrance was a little cup with tester strips. Don smelled each one of them and agrees with you that Blenheim Bouquet was the best. It is their signature fragrance. The shops are not very big. It is a “posh” shop.”

As for the shave, it started by stropping the Dovo razor on the linen side of the Dublduck strop and then moving to the horsehide side for 20+ times. The choice for shave cream today is of course Blenheim Bouquet applied to the face with a super badger brush. How I love the fragrance of the Blenheim Bouqet, a superb citrus aroma. It seems to arouse the whiskers into a frenzy of desire to be whacked down by the edge on the Dovo razor. Once with the grain and a second time against the grain and I was left with a smooth face. The follow up was a generous splash of Musgo Real No. 1 Orange Amber.  This aftershave also has a wonderful citrus aroma. What a wonderful shave.

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