June 2012

Father's Day - 2012

Another year has passed and another Fathers Day is already here. Father’s day always brings memories of dad. He passed away a few days after father’s day three years ago. This year thoughts are also turned to Grandpa Rogers, who turned 100 this month. Unfortunately, he took a sudden turn for the worse and is now in a care facility. Times change and we all grow older. However, this next year will bring a different change. Emily Ann, our oldest daughter is pregnant with the first grandchild. Next father’s day I will be a grandpa. As we continue to move through life, there is always change. Now for a few pictures.

One of my favorite pictures of dad.

And now some pictures and words from last years Fathers Day post:

In 2000 Scott was visiting his Great-grandfather Rogers and had a Christmas morning surprise, snow. He thought it would be fun to shovel a little snow.

In 2004 Scott was celebrating his November birthday with his Grandpa Shumway who was also born in November.

In 2004 Eric and Jacob get hugs from Grandpa Brown.

In 2005 Scott and I backpacked into John’s Meadow.

In 2006 Jacob and I went on a fishing trip to the headwaters of the Santa Ana River.

In 2008 Eric, Jacob and I took a little ride on horses in Southern Utah.

In 2009 Jacob and I were out Geocaching and I tried to get a picture of us. After a few tries I got Jacob to smile.

In 2010 Emily and I spent some time shooting air guns.

In 2010 Eric, Jacob and I visited Great-grandpa Rogers.

In 2011 Emily, Jacob and I took a hike up the San Bernardino trail in the San Bernardino Mountains.

The remainder of 2011 had lots of activities. Jacob and I hiked the tree tallest peaks in southern California and went to Philmont Scout Ranch for a 10 day trek in the Rocky Mountains in northern New Mexico. Have lots of pictures, and few of the two of us. Here is one on top of the Tooth of Time at Philmont.

It looks like I need to get into a picture with my children. I take pictures of them and they take pictures of me, we just need to find someone to take pictures of us. That is a goal for this next year. More on that next Fathers Day.

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