June 2009

Dad, another day in the battle at LLUMC – Day 2

Stopped by this morning to see how Dad was doing. It took over an hour to get there because of an accident on the 91 at Barton Road. When I arrived at his room, I noticed that he looked a little better than yesterday and the day before. He was not in that pained look, as if he was being agitated form the pain he has been in so many times before. He was not as alert due to the pain medication. However, he was much more relaxed. He even looked rested. I would rather talk to my Dad as he dozes in and out that to sit there watching him writhe in a lot of pain. It should be about him feeling comfortable, not any ones desire to carry on a continuous conversation for an extended period of time.

We talked a bit about how nice it was to see the art in his room from Haley, Ruby and Lucy. He smiled and was please that it was there. Perhaps I am going to break out the crayons and put something together as well. I just hope I can do as well as they did.

I let Dad know that as I put my work bag in the trunk today I noticed the golf clubs. I let him know that I would be carrying them around until we could play golf. I also let him know that I have a bag of aluminum cans that were collected for the Boy Scouts. He let me know that he received 47 dollars for the ones he turned in a couple of weeks ago. He was sure proud of that.

He looked peaceful and I asked him if he wanted to rest. I knew he was tired and he said yes. I let him know that I loved him and left him to rest.

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