The rain last weekend has really greened things up on Box Springs mountain. The grass was a lot greener and was the poison oak. In many places, where water is available most of the year, the poison oak wanted to jump onto the trail.
Once at the top of the trail the previous weeks rain could be seen as snow in the higher elevations. There was plenty of snow on the San Gorgonio mountains towards the east. Click on the picture to make it bigger.
In the west is where Mt. Baldy or Mt. San Antonio resides. In downtown Riverside it is not visible. However, from where I was, I could just get a sliver of the snow covered Mt. Baldy. This on requires you to click on it to find the snow covered peak.
On the way back down the Two Trees trail I caught a lizard sunning himself on his own little pride rock.
Overall it was a good 7 mile hike.