February 2025

11 Months Old

It is amazing how fast time flies. Today Elizabeth is 11 months old.

Evening Walk - Skunks and Sleeping

Tonight I took my typical evening walk with Stevie the dog. I also included Elizabeth in the child backpack. It is nowhere near as comfortable as my regular backpack. However it is a pleasure to have her along.

Elizabeth enjoys watching the dog walk as well as watching the landscape from a different perspective. Tonight […]

Ten Months Old

Young Elizabeth is now 10 months old, or should I exactly 10 months and two days. A couple of days ago she was not feeling up to the picture thing. Patience always helps with young ones. So today was the day. It lasted a few minutes before she wanted to crawl off and play. There […]

Memorial Day Hike

For the past 15 or more years our congregation from church hikes up Mt. Rubidoux on Memorial Day. The children and I have made the hike many times. I remember many years ago when Jacob was in a backpack on my back for the hike. He is now 17. I remember the hike last year […]

9 Months Old

Elizabeth turns 9 months old today. She is standing a lot and holding on with one hand. She will switch between hands to do things like wave hello of goodby. Her crawling abilities are quick and stealth at times. She loves the outdoors and it is one of her favorite places.


New Dog

As I was out visiting people tonight I received a text message that Stevie, a dog that needed a home. I had looked at Stevie a few months ago and expressed an interest in providing a temporary home as a test. However, an eight year old that lived a the home could not let Stevie […]

Eight Months Old

Today Elizabeth is eight months old. We go out to the garden almost every day to look at the plants grow. She eats little sprigs of broccoli off the broccoli pants as well as chews on the snap peas. The past few days she has grabbed a small piece of a kale leaf to chew […]

Tomatoes – Can you find one?

Elizabeth and I went out to the garden today at lunch and looked at the beet, carrot, onion and tomato plants as well as several other plants in the garden. Today was the big question, can you see a tomato yet? We think we see a tiny one. Only time will tell.

The only […]

Thinning and Planting

It was a good day to work in the garden. I have two areas in the back yard where I grow vegetables, one on the East side and one on the West side. On the East side I have four tomato plants along with basil, 2 red bell peppers, kale, spinach, romaine lettuce, onions, carrots […]

Did I really go on a hike?

This evening I prepared to go on a walk with Elizabeth. We left in time to watch the sun slip down behind the mountains in the west while we were on the top of Mt Rubidoux. As we got three blocks from the house, Elizabeth fell asleep. When we returned from the 5.4 mile adventure, […]

Back to hiking

After the short days of winter, the cold weather and the occasional rain, I am back to walking and hiking. Tonight I took my first trip up Mt. Rubidoux to the windy place part way up the down road. Elizabeth loved the walk. As I started down the sidewalk, she started making this growling sound. […]

Birthday - Walter gets older

Tonight we celebrated Walters birthday with a barbeque and friends. It was a lot of fun. There were some youngsters that tasted the snap peas off the plant and kept going back for more. Who would have thought, youngsters spontaneously eating vegetables.

Of course we needed a picture of the birthday boy, his lovely wife […]

Seven Months Old

Today Elizabeth turns seven months old. She is now crawling around the house and yard. If something looks interesting, she will be there.

Spring is getting closer . . .

We have had some cold nights the past few weeks. However, we are getting to that that magic date of the last chance of frost. With that in mind, Elizabeth and I headed out to the nursery for a couple more tomato plants, some romaine lettuce, and a 6 pack of zucchini plants. This past […]

Baby Bullet

Tonight I felt like having vegetables for dinner. I cooked up a butternut squash from last falls garden and added some fresh cauliflower and broccoli. I ran some of the squash through the Baby Bullet with a little water and presto, dinner for Elizabeth.