March 2025

Work in Progress – Workstation

A year ago a friend showed me a large plastic box he purchased to work on his air rifles. The box had a couple of holders that came up out of the box to rest a rifle on. I asked to copy the pattern of the arms. I had some scrap lumber from an old […]

Turkey Hunt

Thanksgiving is a wonderful day. I am thankful for many things. My family is at the top of the list and is very important to me. The opportunity to give to others is also important. We cannot forget our freedom as well. There are many things that we can be gratefully for. There are many […]

C W Palmer

When I was a youngster of about 11 years of age I stayed with my grandfather, C W Palmer for a week. I remember him telling me stories of when he was younger and herded cattle in the Grand Canyon.

C W Palmer

Today Eric, Jacob and I stopped by to see some […]

Family, Brass and Boats

Today was a great day. It started with the creation of empty brass with Eric, a BBQ lunch with Janet, Eric, Emily and several other family members, sailing with Eric and Emily and finished with another BBQ with Eric, Emily and Janet.

July 5th celebration


Airsoft Warrior

Eric went airsofting with some of his buddies today. They play in an area that has taggers that come through and paint a couple of walls and buildings. So as they are taking a break, a Sheriff’s car shows up. It could be for the taggers as young men playing war games in a wooded […]

Lunch Time Fun - Emily

It is always good to get out at lunch and do a little shooting. Today Emily joined us for Lunch Time Fun. Emily started out with the Sheridan Blue Streak in .20 caliber with peep hole sight. She proved capable and the cans starting falling from 40 yards. She next tried the Diana RWS 350 […]

Lunch Time Fun - Four on the Floor

Lunch Time Fun is always better when there is more lead flowing. As the lead flies, frequently it flies right through the can leaving it standing in place for another attempt at setting it in motion. When it does not, cans jump, get shot again as they are on the move and may get shot […]

Lunch Time Fun - Holes

Today was a beautiful day. The rain has made it difficult to get out and shoot at lunch time. It is fun to watch the cans jump to the beat of lead or a laptop’s old hard drive meet it’s end from 40 yards with a well places 22 caliber pellet. Pictures are worth a […]

Lunch Time Fun - The Sun

It has rained an awful lot here in southern California. Rain really causes a problem with Lunch Time Fun or in other words, a little time on the lunch time pellet and BB range. Of course their has been so much rain for so long, the rain got a few other things down. The sunflower […]

Lunch Time Fun - RWS 350 and Ford Tractor

As I was out doing a little plinking during lunch I could not help but notice what a beautiful day it was. The sky was blue, the air was warm and Skippy the metal squirrel target went down on the first shot. Hitting the right spot, a spot just over 2 inches in diameter, at […]

Gunsmithing with a voltmeter

For weeks I have heard, “You need to buy me a new battery.” Eric has wanted a new battery for his M-4 Airsoft gun. He has some friends that have a little group that have airsoft combat. He cannot miss out on the action and he absolutely needs a new battery, at least in his […]

Lunch Time Fun

Every day just before lunch break the microwave starts going to work. It takes about 6 minutes to heat up that frozen meal so business must be conducted during the thaw. Why the rush to get to lunch? Once the physical nourishment is complete, psychological nourishment needs to take place. Relax . . . Breathe […]

Lunch Time Fun

At work a few of us are excited to see lunch time come. We quickly eat lunch and then head outside. As for the lunch itself, I have learned to subsist on Lean Cuisine and other sub 350 calorie lunches. This type of lunch does two things. One, I have lost 10 pounds in the […]