February 2025

Color before the Rain

The weather forecast indicates that a storm is headed our way. Tonight, there were some high clouds and I thought it would put some color into the sky. I headed to the local park to see if any color would appear. I arrived just in time to watch the sun sink in the horizon.


Fall Color

Several years ago, in October I traveled to the Aspen Grove in the San Gorgonio Wilderness to see the fall colors. Then there was a fire, and the area was closed for several years. There are still a lot of reminders of the past fire.

The aspen trees have been growing slowly and it […]

Sun in the Shadows

I was out hiking this morning and all I was seeing was a lot of dry grass and plants. Then standing by the trail was a little sunshine amid the dry brown view.


Tree with a Attitude

Now and then you see something that strikes your eye. The average tree has a bark that could be considered unremarkable. Some trees have a little more character in their bark. Some tree barks even have a fragrance. Then there is the Floss Silk Tree. There is nothing silky about that bark.


Falling Motion

I have been taking a photograpy class and today I was out searching something showing some motion. I decided to head east towards Falls Creek to find some falling motion.

Sweet Pea

My lovely wife wanted me to plant some sweet peas in the backyard this year. They added color to our backyared and I enjoied them. Looking forward to more of them next spring.


Out for a hike today and took some pictures of flowers.



There was a balloon that went up and it came down. We went up the Whitewater Canyon to find it and came down without finding it.


Oak Glen

Today Emily, Elizabeth and I took a trip to Oak Glen to go on a hike. Elizabeth has been wanting to go to the mountains. The have a nice trail at the Oak Glen Preserve. The main loop trail is 2 miles which would make for a fun activity. One of the first things we […]

Rain or Shine

This morning there is a twenty percent chance of rain. It will be nice to get some rain if we actually get it. On the other hand, a few clouds in the sky created a spectacular sunrise.

Box Springs Mountain

It was going to be in double digits in the afternoon so I started early on a Saturday morning hike. The recent rains have produced a little greening up of the hills as the grass begins to come back from a long and toasty summer.

I was surprised by what looked like a dry bush […]

Wood Badge

How do you explain Wood Badge in a blog post? There is an explanation here. So now that is out of the way, how do you explain what it is like to be on staff at Wood Badge? A few words may help. They are fun, fun and fun. Then there are the staff development […]

Beating the Heat on Box Springs Mountain

I do not know about beating the heat because it was rather warm. Of course we started early and were at the Two Trees trailhead before seven. The other advantage is we start hiking up the trail on the west side of the mountain which is shaded early in the morning.

As it has […]

Highway 60 Tenacity

I drive under Highway 60 most mornings on my way to work. What has surprised me is the tenacity of this cactus growing on top of a concrete pillar. I know cactus like the desert and do not need much water. However, I think this guy has taken it to the extreme.

Of course […]

Sailing with Emily

It was a warm day and I wanted to get out of the house. I looked and Emily and we thought about a walk. It was a little warm for that. How about sailing was the next thought. So it was off to the lake for a evening of sailing. The breeze was cool and […]