February 2025

Out is In

This past Sunday, Jacob and I walked downtown and went to the Riverside Metropolitan Museum. We wandered around and viewed the exhibits. Upstairs they had a exhibit, John Muir & the Personal Experience with Nature.

Two things stood out there. A couple of quotes from John Muir and the illustrations of wildflowers. As for […]

Forsee Creek Trail

Today we hiked up the Forsee Creek Trail to Jackstraw Springs. There were several wildflowers blooming along the way. We tried to take pictures. However, the plant seems to always be in focus and the wildflower standing above the plant is out of focus. There always seems to be some type of challenge in life. […]

Sunday Glow

There is nothing like a small young lady admiring the beauty in nature. It could be a flower that attracts her attention and draws her interest.

Then again, it may be the adventure of climbing a mountain and sitting on giant granite boulders.

Or it may be just the opportunity to watch […]

San Bernardino Trail

This afternoon a few of us took off for the mountains to hike in cooler weather. Out choice for the simple six plus mile hike was going to be the San Bernardino Trail in the Mt. San Gorgonio Wilderness. We arrived at the trailhead about 4:30 in the afternoon.

As we started up the […]

Mt. San Jacinto - More gain = More pain

Two weeks ago I hiked to the top of Mt. San Jacinto. I thought I would do it again today. The last trip was 16 miles with an elevation gain of 4,400 feet. Today’s trip was 19 miles and an elevation gain of 5,500 feet.

It reminds me of a parable I was told years […]

Snake and Lizard

Tonight Scott, my oldest son and I went hiking up the familiar Two Trees trail. We continued up the spring trail and while taking a quick break, Scott climbed out on some rocks. It looked like a good opportunity for a picture so I took one.

While out hiking back down the Two Trees […]

Kale to Climbing

This evening started in the garden doing a little weeding, picking some zucchini and kale. Elizabeth pointed out the zucchini that was ready to be picked, as one of my plants has yellow zucchini and they are easy to see.

When it was time to wash the kale, Elizabeth was there for the water as […]

Mt. San Jacinto

Today I had the opportunity to go on a hike to the top of Mt. San Jacinto. I have only been there one, using the tram and the ground was covered with snow. This time the hike would be further and have a lot more elevation gain as we would be hiking from Idyllwild rather […]

Box Springs Evening

Tonight was another evening hike in the Box Springs Mountain Park. The weather has been warm so I try to start a little later in the evening. Of course the sun goes down while I am out. However, tonight I received a little help from the moon. The evening air cooled down and there was […]

Box Springs Mountain Park Plants

As I hike in the Box Springs Mountain Park all the time, I decided to get to know the plants. Some have been easier than others. Poison Oak – Easy. That is one you should learn as a young Boy Scout. As for the others, some are easily looked up. Then there are those that […]

Box Springs Morning

Today I went for a quick hike up Box Springs with my backpack loaded with about 30 pounds. It was a slow first hour as I was climbing the first two miles. As I was slowly moving uphill I took a couple of pictures of plants that were in bloom.

Mimulus aurantiacus – […]

An Evening with Elizabeth

I had the opportunity to spent the evening with my granddaughter Elizabeth tonight. I have been out hiking the last two evenings, so why not a third evening. Mom dropped Elizabeth off and we got packed up. We had jackets, water, snacks, a first aid kit and a flashlight just in case we went on […]

Flora and possible Fauna

Flora and Fauna is just a different way of spelling “plants and animals” with less letters. As for today’s activities, it was another hike in the Box Springs Mountain Park. A couple of things caught my eye this evening. The first was the colors the seemed to be popping in one area. The pinks of […]

Snakes and Lizards

Today on the trail there was one Snakes and many Lizards. The hike was a felt little warmer than usual due to higher humidity. My pace was about the same as in the past. No new records. Just a few pictures of Snakes and Lizards.

This one is a garter snake. Probably the Mountain Garter […]

Breaking in Boots

For about 5 years I have worn the Asolo Power Matic 250’s. I love the boot and I have put on about 400 miles on them. The soles are showing wear. Additionally, my toes are starting to touch the boot on downhill descents. I hear your feet grow a little when you get old. They […]