February 2025

Water Colors

It has been a couple of weeks from the last time I hiked in the Box Springs Mountain Park. The last part of the year has been dry and much of the annual vegetation has turned brown for the season. Even many of the perennials have shown signs of stress as the dry summer wore […]

Mt. Rubidoux - Hiking into the sunset

This afternoon Elizabeth and I went for a walk. I took her up to get a picture at sunset with the cross on the top. A group called Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which sent the city a letter threatening to sue if the cross is not removed.

We began our walk […]

Range Day

Today was a holiday so I decided it was a good day to go to the range. It has been several years ago when I went to the rage with Scott, my oldest son. He has never shot handguns before so we took a few to try out. He started with the Ruger MK III […]

Five mile walk and a Stroller

Tonight I wanted to go on a five mile walk. Emily needed to get some homework done. Walking up Mt Rubidoux pushing a stroller can be a good workout. Elizabeth and I set out with a couple of blankets for her and two jackets for me. We also had a water bottle for me and […]

Sunday Sunset

From the house it is a little difficult to see the sun go down. We took a walk towards the river bottom. It is a bit easier than a walk up Mt. Rubidoux to get to the other side of the mountain. We were a little late on catching all of the sunset. However, we […]

Geocaching Box Springs Park

Rather than just hike the same 6.5 miles today, I thought I would pick up a few geocaches along the way. As for the day, the weather was forecast to have a 20 percent chance of showers and fog. As I headed to Box Springs Park, there was not a lot of drizzle, but there […]

Global Warming Stopped 16 Years Ago

Yes it did. All the information is available here. So do I get to ask why I pay more for energy because a group of “Chicken Little’s” had to scream, “The red stuff is going higher in the glass tube.”

I think I will have to stoke up the BBQ this week and emit some […]

Two Trees Trail – again

Today I was off the the Two Trees trailhead again. I skipped last Saturday to do a few things around the house. I hiked the same path, up the Two Trees Trail to the road and then up the Spring trail to the road and then up the road to take the Ridge Trail down […]

Hiking for Fall - Aspen Groves

For several years now I have wanted to visit the Aspen Groves where quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) could be found in the San Gorgonio Wilderness. Should I say, for almost 20 years. Many years ago we visited the ranger station to get a day hike permit. There were no more permits for Aspen Grove so […]

Box Springs Park - Ridge Trail

This morning I took the same route as last week. I started a little earlier as there was no cloud cover. The sun also is a little slower at getting up into the sky so I was greeted by more shade on the way up the Two Trees trail. The Spring Trail, being on a […]

Bear steals iPad

I have fished at Jenks Lake. I have hiked in the mountains around Jenks lake. I have spent a week at Scout Camp near Jenks Lake several times.

Fishing at Jenks Lake in 2009

Yes we had bear problems at Scout Camp if we left smellables out. So yes there are bears […]

Mt Rubidoux – Sunset

Tonight Emily, Elizabeth and I went out for a walk. The goal was to make it to what I call the windy place. As you go up the down road, you reach a point where you are on the west side of the small mountain. I always liked to stop there because it is one […]

Morning Hike – Ridge Trail

Today I took my traditional hike up Two Trees trail and then up the Spring Trail. Rather than heading down the road at the end of the Spring Trail, I headed up. After getting close to the top of the ridge I followed one of the roads to one end of the Ridge Trail, marked […]

Flash - San Gorgonio to Hayden Peak

Today was Operation On Target, a BSA event where Varsity Scouts go to mountain tops to signal each other with mirrors. Early on we received a signal from Hayden Peak, some 180 miles away. We were in contact via HAM radios to verify that we saw their mirror flash a signal at us. It was […]

Fish Creek Saddle

This afternoon I left for the Fish Creek trail head in the San Bernardino Mountains. After turning off the highway, it is a seven mile journey on a rough dirt road. When I arrived, there was one other vehicle parked at the trail head and a couple of guys dressed in camouflage in a truck […]