March 2025

Philmont - Day 12 - Base Camp

To get to the top of the Tooth of Time for the sunrise, we got up at 4:00 am. It was still a little windy and believe it or not, it was cool to cold.

We hiked by flashlight until we got to the base to the Tooth of Time. There was just enough […]

Philmont - Tooth of Time

Some 36 years ago I had the opportunity to climb the tooth of time while staying at Rocky Mountain Scout Camp. The Tooth was a landmark on the Santa Fe Trail that let travelers know that there was two weeks remaining on the trail to Santa Fe. As a youth I elected to go with […]

Philmont - Day 11 - Tooth Ridge

Knowing we were going to climb up Shaefers Pass today, we wanted to get an early start. We were up, packed and policing the campground about 6:30 am.

Soon we were on our way up the trail. We took a break for a where are you going, where have you been photo opportunity.


Philmont - Day 10 - Upper Clarks Fork

Everyone went to bet fairly early the night before so it was easy waking up. In fact, we woke up fairly early. We are nearing the last few nights before heading home so there is a little excitement that we are soon to make it back to base camp. As light hit camp, everyone seemed […]

Philmont - Day 9 - Lamberts Mine

As the sky was beautiful the night before, we were told that it is a beautiful view in the morning as well. In the morning I declined to go look at the view. However, there was one that went down to the porch of the staff cabin and took a few pictures as most of […]

Philmont - Day 8 - Sawmill

Today we started later than usual. I had a good night’s sleep and slept in to 5:30. Breakfast was a little slow as well as getting ready for breakfast.

However, soon enough we were policing the campsite for any trash or trace. Overall, it did take us 2 hours to eat breakfast, pack and […]

Philmont - Day 7 - Ute Springs

Today we needed to start early. I was up at 4:45 to start the water boiling for breakfast. At least this time we looked at what we needed to do before we went to bed. The boys started getting up just after 5:00. Our quickest time to strike camp has been 1.5 hours. That is […]

Philmont - Day 6 - Harlin

Today was an early day. I awake at just after 5:00 am and the younger members of the crew were up at 5:30. It has usually been taking just over an hour and a half to strike camp. We had almost finished packing when we looked at the instructions for breakfast. We discovered it required […]

Philmont – Day 5 – Dean Cow

We arose fairly early today because we had a long trip today. The sky was beautiful as the sun was making its way up from the East.

We needed two adult leaders to help with chuck wagon Breakfast preparations so we left the youth in charge of getting up and getting to breakfast. Breakfast […]

Philmont - Day 4 - Ponil

We woke up early today as it was going to be a long day. It was our rangers last day to be with us. We got out of bed and circled around the campfire ring. Our ranger quietly asked us to get our fleece coats and to follow him without talking. We hiked up the […]

Philmont - Day 3 - Indian Writings

Day Three of our trek started fairly early. We did not have to travel far so we were not up at the break of dawn. It always seemed that the sky was a lot clearer than the evening before. There was no way of telling what type of weather was going to show up in […]

Philmont - Day 2 - Anasazi

We started our day with our last meal at Base Camp. Soon enough we were at the Welcome Center waiting for a bus to take us to the 6 Mile gate, the start of our trek. When the bus arrived, we loaded our packs into the back of the buss and got onto the bus. […]

Philmont - Day 1 - Base Camp

It was nice to sleep on something flat where it was quiet rather than a reclined seat on a noisy train. As usual, when in the outdoors, the sun comes up sooner than one wants. Soon enough the sun was up and we were out of our tents. In the background on the ridge sits […]

Philmont - Traveling to Philmont

Jacob and I arrived at the Amtrak stop with many other scouts traveling to Philmont. There was a rather large group of us leaving from Riverside. It was three crew in all, 720 Q 1, 2 and 3.

Crews 720 Q 1, 2 and 3 headed to Philmont Scout Ranch

Jacob and I […]

Philmont - All Aboard

Getting on the train headed for New Mexico. Arrival will be tomorrow afternoon.