February 2025

Fall Color

Several years ago, in October I traveled to the Aspen Grove in the San Gorgonio Wilderness to see the fall colors. Then there was a fire, and the area was closed for several years. There are still a lot of reminders of the past fire.

The aspen trees have been growing slowly and it […]

Tree with a Attitude

Now and then you see something that strikes your eye. The average tree has a bark that could be considered unremarkable. Some trees have a little more character in their bark. Some tree barks even have a fragrance. Then there is the Floss Silk Tree. There is nothing silky about that bark.


Sweet Pea

My lovely wife wanted me to plant some sweet peas in the backyard this year. They added color to our backyared and I enjoied them. Looking forward to more of them next spring.

Flower on a Mountain

Took a little walk tonight looking for the sunset. On the way up Mt. Rubidoux, I came across a nice flower.

I hiked a little further and I happened upon another one of natures beautiful creations.

I bet she would say that she is a princess if you ask her. The princess of […]

Hiking Again

It seems like all I post about is hiking. Then again, it is what I do most Saturday mornings. Today’s hike was much faster as I did not have Elizabeth on my back. I averaged a mile in 22 minutes rather that the 27 minutes per mile this past Tuesday. I also took several pictures. […]

Wakeup for Wildlife

Last night I went to bed at the usual time for the work week even though I had the day off. The plan was to take Elizabeth on a hike with me. When she got to the house this morning it was obvious that she was tired. She did not want to go to bed […]

Operation On-Target - Mt. San Gorgonio

Today was the July Operation On-Target where scouts climb or drive to peaks and see if they can send mirror flashes from peak to peak. that the scouts do every year. The peak I usually climb to is Mt. San Gorgonio.

It was a great day for a hike to the top of San Gorgonio […]

Dry Lake

This weekend I had the opportunity to go on an overnight backpacking trip to Dry Lake with some youth. This was a first time backpacking trip for a couple of the youth. One of the challenges was three of the five young men weighing in at under 115 pounds. Dry Lake was dry and so […]

Forsee Creek Trail

Today we hiked up the Forsee Creek Trail to Jackstraw Springs. There were several wildflowers blooming along the way. We tried to take pictures. However, the plant seems to always be in focus and the wildflower standing above the plant is out of focus. There always seems to be some type of challenge in life. […]

San Bernardino Trail

This afternoon a few of us took off for the mountains to hike in cooler weather. Out choice for the simple six plus mile hike was going to be the San Bernardino Trail in the Mt. San Gorgonio Wilderness. We arrived at the trailhead about 4:30 in the afternoon.

As we started up the […]

Mt. San Jacinto - More gain = More pain

Two weeks ago I hiked to the top of Mt. San Jacinto. I thought I would do it again today. The last trip was 16 miles with an elevation gain of 4,400 feet. Today’s trip was 19 miles and an elevation gain of 5,500 feet.

It reminds me of a parable I was told years […]

Box Springs Mountain Park Plants

As I hike in the Box Springs Mountain Park all the time, I decided to get to know the plants. Some have been easier than others. Poison Oak – Easy. That is one you should learn as a young Boy Scout. As for the others, some are easily looked up. Then there are those that […]

Flora and possible Fauna

Flora and Fauna is just a different way of spelling “plants and animals” with less letters. As for today’s activities, it was another hike in the Box Springs Mountain Park. A couple of things caught my eye this evening. The first was the colors the seemed to be popping in one area. The pinks of […]