March 2025

Evening Ride

It was another nice evening so I went for a walk and Elizabeth got to ride. I thought about the typical 2.2 mile loop that I do. However, it was just to nice of an evening to not go further. We decided to drop down to the bike path and march on. Last time we […]

Evening Walk

It was rather hot here today. The one time I checked the temperature it was 89 degrees and it is only the middle of March. The weather reports show late snowfall in the east. Frankly I would take a little snowfall here, or at least int he mountains with rain in the valleys. We need […]

A New Year

Every year is started with hopes of change or something new. I started my day with a little hike up the Two Trees trail. I have not been up this trail for a few months. I though back of my trips up this trail with Stevie the dog. She had a desire to climb the […]

Sometimes you need to stop and look . . .

I was traveling back from Jacobs last track meet and the sky looked gorgeous. I had to choose an off ramp and get to a place that I could take a picture without all the city clutter as I was in Riverside. Luckily, by UCR there are some fields that work well to allow one […]

Fall is on the way

Today I have been contemplating a hike to Aspen Grove like I did last year. This year there is some concern if gates are going to be open, or if they are, will they get closed when you are on the wrong side of the gate. There is a storm coming in later this week […]

Indian Head

After a fairly good night sleep it was time to get up. I have always enjoyed the mornings as there is a certain peace in the forest before others are up and around. After going to Philmont Scout Ranch a couple of years ago, Jacob and I learned to keep our backpacks away from where […]

Evening Walk

Today I thought I would walk towards Mt. Rubidoux. I usually get about 5 miles in when I do that. As I walked, I chose the route that drops down against the river bottom. There is usually a cool breeze coming from the west in the evening. I made may way around to the west […]

Sunset and slight chance of showeres

Tonight is a little warm and muggy. I know that 80 degrees and 52 percent humidity at nine in the evening is not much compared to other places on the planet. However, a few clouds in the sky make for a nice sunset. The humidity just makes the evening walk a little more dampening.


Snake and Sunset

Tonight I decided to take a bit of a longer walk with Stevie the dog. We walked towards the river. For some of you, the river is usually fairly dry. Not much water. One would wonder why they call it a river. However, I remember the flood of 1969 when the river was flowing bank […]

Memorial Day Hike

For the past 15 or more years our congregation from church hikes up Mt. Rubidoux on Memorial Day. The children and I have made the hike many times. I remember many years ago when Jacob was in a backpack on my back for the hike. He is now 17. I remember the hike last year […]

Sunset on Two Trees Trail

This evening I decided to take a hike up the Two Trees Trail. I arrived at the trailhead about 4:45. I checked my Sundroid app to determine that sunset was at 7:17 and that I should have plenty of time for a long hike. I made it to Cassina Springs where I stopped to take […]

Did I really go on a hike?

This evening I prepared to go on a walk with Elizabeth. We left in time to watch the sun slip down behind the mountains in the west while we were on the top of Mt Rubidoux. As we got three blocks from the house, Elizabeth fell asleep. When we returned from the 5.4 mile adventure, […]

Mt Rubidoux – Evening Walk

Knowing that the sun was going down soon, I woke up Elizabeth after she had been napping for over an hour. She was not happy. She even told me that she was not happy. However, I quickly put her in the stroller, and she gave me a smile. I soon whisked her out the front […]

Mt. Rubidoux - Hiking into the sunset

This afternoon Elizabeth and I went for a walk. I took her up to get a picture at sunset with the cross on the top. A group called Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which sent the city a letter threatening to sue if the cross is not removed.

We began our walk […]

Sunday Sunset

From the house it is a little difficult to see the sun go down. We took a walk towards the river bottom. It is a bit easier than a walk up Mt. Rubidoux to get to the other side of the mountain. We were a little late on catching all of the sunset. However, we […]