January 2025


Ayyyy Matey, it is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. In fact, there are a couple of places around here celebrating the day. More information can be found at their official website This group even has a YouTube page and a yearly contest for those who what to create a video of themselves talking like a Pirate. All I have to say is, Rrrrrrrrrrrr.

Constitution Day

Happy Constitution Day. Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution by thirty-nine brave men on September 17, 1787. More information available at Constitution Day web page


This afternoon the my grand daughter Elizabeth took me to lunch. Of course, Janet, Emily and her husband Walter, Eric and his friend Alisha as well as Scott came along. Someone always seems to be missing from the picture so I did a quick stitch job to get everyone in.

Flash - San Gorgonio to Hayden Peak

Today was Operation On Target, a BSA event where Varsity Scouts go to mountain tops to signal each other with mirrors. Early on we received a signal from Hayden Peak, some 180 miles away. We were in contact via HAM radios to verify that we saw their mirror flash a signal at us. It was too windy to put together the 2 foot by 2 foot mirror. However, when the wind died down, we got the 2×2 put together and sent a mirror flash back to Hayden Peak.

One other highlight was flashing my brother and his family who were at home in Vista, some 65 miles away. As for the 23 mile round trip, it was long. I am just glad to be home.

Hayden Peak off in the distance through the haze

EDIT – 9/22 – Verified that Hayden peak saw a flash twice from San Gorgonio. We saw a flash twice on San Gorgonio from Hayden as well.

Fish Creek Saddle

This afternoon I left for the Fish Creek trail head in the San Bernardino Mountains. After turning off the highway, it is a seven mile journey on a rough dirt road. When I arrived, there was one other vehicle parked at the trail head and a couple of guys dressed in camouflage in a truck out looking for deer. Archery season had started and they had their bows in the back of the truck. I talked to them for a few minutes. They said the chance of getting a deer was about five percent. That is like hunting for twenty years for one chance at a deer. Then they admitted it was not all about the deer. It was about getting out into the woods.

They drove on their way and I put my backpack on and hit the trail. It was about 2:30 in the afternoon. I had five miles to travel and about 1,800 foot in elevation gain to get me to Fish Creek Saddle at an elevation on 9,805. A little over three and a half hours and I arrived. I only saw one person on the trail who was headed down from a day hike. I set up camp and had dinner. As the sun set in the west over the tent, the sky in the east had an orange glow to it. Soon enough it was time to get some sleep for the night, especially with it getting cold outside. Nothing like a 40 degree night when the valley has been soaring in the low 100’s. There is nothing like getting out in the woods.

Sun setting in the West

The eastern sky

September 11

As I took a moment to remember this day in 2001, I thought of my shot drive to work where I listened to the radio in disbelief of what was happening. It still feels like something changed that day. Today I also thought of the opportunity I had to touch a piece of steel from the Twin Towers. Jacob and I were out geocaching after a scout outing in November of 2008. We happened into a small town on the shore of Big Bear Lake and found a hunk of steel from the Twin Towers with a plaque remembering those that died there. September 11, 2001 is a day that will not be forgotten.

Box Springs Park

Today I hiked up the Two Trees trail to the road and then on to the Spring Trail. I took a picture showing Cucamonga Peak in the distance. From there it was back on the road and over to the Edison Trail. I then got to the Two Trees trail where I headed back to my car. As I was headed down the trail, I could see smoke off in the distance past Cucamonga Peak . There is a fire in the Angels National Forest. It was so hot on the trail today and took three plus liters to stay hydrated. I cannot wait for cooler weather.

National Empty Chair Day

Early in the morning the Boy Scouts put a flag in my lawn to celebrate Labor Day. I decide to leave the flag up and put out an empty chair for National Empty Chair Day. As I walk out front I first hand see the effects of the empty chair. It is sad that there are those that do not have the means necessary to have a place to live or get the help they need. A picture is worth a thousand words so I will let the picture speak to you.

One Month Old - Cuter than a squash . . .

This past month has gone quickly. At least my coworkers have stopped calling me grandpa at work. As for Elizabeth, she is a very cute young lady. I did not have any pumpkins in the garden so I had to settle for cuter than a squash. I would venture to state that she is cuter than a pumpkin and anything else I could find in the garden.

Great Grandma

As I walk down the hall at work, I occasionally hear the words, grandpa. A few of my coworkers get a chuckle out of calling me grandpa. Many of my coworkers are the same age as myself, plus or minus five years. In reality, several of them could be grandpa without much of a problem.

As for the grand part, there is my mother, who is now a great grandma. We took the opportunity so stop by with Elizabeth. Mom took a few minutes and held Elizabeth. Both had a smile on their faces. Nothing like holding the great grand-baby.

Shake and Bake

Last night there was an earthquake about 15 miles away from home. The temperature has been in the 100’s the past few days. Today it is forecast at 107 degrees. Earthquakes and high temperatures remind me of one summer several years ago when there were several earthquakes and days with high temperatures. I just hope there will be no more earthquakes soon and that the temperatures will drop to something more comfortable as well. No need for another shake and bake summer.

As for last night, it was just a moderate quake. Just another quake on the many fault lines of Southern California. Feel free to click on the picture below and make it bigger.

Updated Wednesday evening –
Last nights quake was a 4.1.
Another 4.5 at 9:33 AM
Another 3.4 at 9:51 AM
I would have to say that we may be into Shake and Bake 2012 . . .
Map available here.


Today Elizabeth and mom came home from the hospital. I bet Elizabeth thought it was nice to be in my own bed.

Elizabeth Annabella Mazariegos

As of today we have a new addition to our family. Emily Ann, our oldest and only daughter gave birth to a girl. She weighed 6 lbs. 7 oz. and was 19.25 inches long. Mon and baby are health. Elizabeth is the first grandchild and I am sure she will show up in future posts.

Gardening is Good

We have been eating a lot out of the garden this summer. It has been a good change and I feel better eating more vegetables and less meat. As for tonight, I turned 5 pounds of Roma tomatoes into a wonderful spaghetti sauce. No pictures of the finished product. However, there is a picture of the starting point.

Sailing and Food

Jacob and I went the the Thursday evening sail with the Riverside Community Sailing Program. Eric tagged along because he heard that there was food. Emily wanted to go sailing so she showed up later with Walter, her husband. Scott happened to come along, because there was going to be food. Nonetheless, all four children ended up at Lake Evans for sailing and food. In the distance of the photo below, Jacob is in the sailboat and Eric is in the kayak.

After some time on the lake, they took a break in the middle of the lake.

Then it was back to the dock to pick Emily up. She, Walter and Scott had been rowing around the lake. Jacob grabbed the bow line of Emily’s boat and towed her away from the dock.

By then Scott was in the kayak making his way around the lake.

The boys helped put together what was needed to get the barbeque going. Soon enough everyone was eating. It also provided time for us to get our picture taken together. Next time we get our picture taken together there should be at least one more person in the picture.