October 2024

Dad - ER Continued

Stopped by to see Dad this morning in the ER. He has been there since Saturday night. He seems to be doing better. When I came into his room, he was sitting up. He smiled and we talked for a few minutes. He did not sleep well last night and he was tired. I got him a couple more blankets, lowered his bed, tucked him in, kissed him on the forehead and let him go to sleep. It was good to see a smile on his face today.

Shave of the Day - Gentlemans Refinery and Arlington

Gentlemans Refinery 2 Standard Shave Cream and Dr. Harris & Co. Ltd’s Arlington Aftershave

Gentlemans Refinery 2 Standard Shave Cream and Dr. Harris & Co. Ltd’s Arlington Aftershave

A wonderful shave today. The Gentlemans Refinery 2 Standard Shave Cream worked into a rich lather with the super badger brush. The Dovo slicked of the whiskers with quick work. I do love the sound of the razors edge flying through the facial hair. A followup with a generious dousing of Dr. Harris & Co. Ltd’s Arlington Aftershave is great way to start the day and the begining af a new month. An aftershave with a light and classic fragrance that seems to have a hint of spring in it.

Dad, sons and the dog

This evening I received a phone call from my brother Eric that Dad was in the hospital. He explained that he went in yesterday evening with a high temperature and pain. He had an abscess on his liver in the area of his previous biopsy.

We were both in the room and Dad’s wife, Natalie, introduced us to the nurse. My brother Eric was introduced as Dr. Eric and then I was introduced as Mr. Greg Palmer to the nurse. The nurse quickly said that we are two fine men and it was due to the fact that we have a wonderful father. What more could a Dad want than to have two of his sons checking on him in the hospital. He is proud of both of us. Of course, what more could I expect from Natalie. She introduces her dog as Foxy the Pomeranian.

Shave of the Day - Blenheim Bouquet and Floyd

Blenheim Bouquet and Floyd

Blenheim Bouquet and Floyd

Today I had a wonderful shave. It started by stropping the Dovo razor on the linen side of the Dublduck strop 15 time and then moving to the horsehide side for 20 times. The choice for shave cream today is Penhalagon’s Blenheim Bouquet, and English product, applied to the face with a super badger brush. How I love the fragrance of the Blenheim Bouqet, a superb citrus aroma. It seems to arouse the whiskers into a frenzy of desire to be whacked down by the edge on the Dovo razor. Once with the grain and a second time against the grain and I was left with a smooth face. The follow up was a generous splash of Floyd after shave lotion from Italy. You have to love the menthol chilling that Floyd produces. What a wonderful shave.

Eric in Turnouts

Eric Fire Ex

Eric is involved in Fire Explores. He really likes the program. He is often telling us about hose lay competitions and practicing rescues in his turnouts and with a breathing apparatus.

Today he had to be at Beaumont City Hall at 5:30 am as a volunteer for a race they were having in the city. He was up early and when he came home he magically went to bed in a timely manner. It was a nice quiet evening in the house.

Typical Friday with Terrorist Tenager

Today I picked Eric up from school about 1:00 and he had a friend with him. I let him know that it was alright for the friend to come over. He seems to be like most typical 16 year old boys. They usually have a couple of things that they are focused on. I wondered what they were going to be this afternoon. It did not take long before he expressed his desire to have the X Box. I said no, not until school was over like I had said many times before. He exclaimed that he had finished his finals and he should get to use it. Again I said no. As you can imagine the conversation went back and forth. He exclaimed that he would break our bedroom door down to get the X Box, like he had said before. I finally had to let him know that I do not negotiate with terrorist. He tried again and I let him know again that I did not negotiate with terrorists.

Eric then changed the subject to that of his hunger. He now wanted me to buy him lunch, pizza to be exact. I said no and let him know that he could make a sandwich at home. Well as you could imagine he went on about his need for pizza or some other fast food. I let him know that he could have his friend cook for him if he was incapable of making something. His friend quickly responded, “I do not cook for terrorists.” We all started laughing and it made a point to Eric, do not act like a terrorist.

Scott passes Eagle Scout Board of Review

Scott after passing his Board of Review

Scott after passing his Board of Review

Scott passed his Eagle Scout Board of Review tonight. He is all smiles. He said that he has been a scout most of his life and he is glad to reach this goal.

Geocaching on Mt. Rubidoux

Jacob climbing rocks on Mt. Rubidoux while geocaching

Jacob climbing rocks on Mt. Rubidoux while geocaching

For several weeks Jacob and I talked about Geocaching on Mt. Rubidoux. Today was finally the day. We started up the down road and quickly found cache GCZ1GD – Monsters in the Bushes. Then we headed for GCZ1GK – Vulture’s Hideout. I thought I was going to pass out. I huffed and puffed my way there. Then we headed back toward the other end of the mountain for the other caches on the mountain. We could not find the next two. We then found GC1HG5G – Nyarlathotep. It was fairy easy. Even further from where we started was GC16YDH – Bloodbath. It was fun climbing all over the mountain once my heart rate and breating slowed down. Because we were on the other end of the mountain from where we started, we called Janet, my wife, to come get us on the North West corner and drive us back to the South East corner.

Mt. Rubidoux

Mt. Rubidoux

From the names you would guess there may be a Haloween theme. Every year there is a Trail of Terror that is almost 5 miles down the bike trail. It is great fun and the hides are not that far apart. Being fairly level is also a plus.

Mt Rubidoux

Mt Rubidoux in Riverside California

Silver Beaver

At the California Inland Empire Council – Boy Scouts of America 2009 Annual Recognition Dinner on Saturday, February 2 I was awarded the Silver Beaver, the highest recognition that a council can give. It is for distinguished service to young people. My sweetheart, Janet attended with me. It was a fairly big celebration. The food was good – Outback catered the event.

As for the Silver Beaver, you have to have a spouse that will support you in being active in scouting for several years. I appreciate Janet and her support. It has also been a great opportunity to spend time with Scott, Eric and Jacob. Service with a smile.

Janet and I after recieving the Silver Beaver Award

Janet and I after recieving the Silver Beaver Award