March 2025


There was a balloon that went up and it came down. We went up the Whitewater Canyon to find it and came down without finding it.


Birthday Wishes

It is that time in my life where I get to be taken out to dinner for my birthday. We do not want to burden the children with the cost of dinner so we do everything we can to make sure we get the check. We talked to the restaurant and made sure that the […]

Beating the Heat on Box Springs Mountain

I do not know about beating the heat because it was rather warm. Of course we started early and were at the Two Trees trailhead before seven. The other advantage is we start hiking up the trail on the west side of the mountain which is shaded early in the morning.

As it has […]

Elizabeth Turns Three

Another year has passed in the life of young Elizabeth. It has been a fun year. As for her birthday, it started out with ice cream cake.

From there we needed to work of the cake and ice cream with a little game of put the carrot on the face of Olaf. It […]

A Bear of a Good Hike

Last year in the month of May I hiked almost 90 miles. This year in the month of may I cot close to 20 with this hike. It was tough as I was not in shape. We started out early leaving the house at 5:00. We were at the trailhead of the San Bernardino trail […]

The Animals

We let Elizabeth know that we were going to see some turkeys, chickens and lamas also known as the animals at my brothers house. She was excited to see them. However, when she actually saw them, she treated them like aliens. then again, how often to young children come face to face with large feathered […]

Frugal Girl

The oil change reminder showed up on my daughter, Emily’s Toyota. She went down the street to Firestone to find out the cost of an oil change and said no way at the price. She continued her trek to the local auto parts store, purchased some oil and a filter for her car.

She […]

Sacrificial Burnt Macaroni

My neighbor had a small outdoor fireplace with a nice fire in it tonight. I thought, what do you do with burn macaroni? You finish the job. The only problem was the wind changed directions and blew towards our house. Nothing like the light fragrance of burning macaroni again. At least the job is finished. […]

Smoked Macaroni

Last night I woke up to the smell of smoke in the house. I made my way into the kitchen to find smoke coming from a pot on the stove. One of the children in their twenties decided to prepare some Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. No problem starting the preparation part. the problem comes when […]

Christmas 2014

It is feeling a lot like Christmastime. The air is cooler as I drove around town today with my windows rolled down listening to Christmas music. It amazes me that as I have gotten older, the real reason for Christmas seems to get lost more and more. Of course, a lot of things seem to […]

Día de los Muertos

For some reason we find ourselves attending Día de los Muertos the past few years. For a description of the holiday go here. Perhaps it is because it is in walking distance from home. As Jacob, Elizabeth and I walked through the crowds, we stopped to see the dancers. Elizabeth really enjoyed watching them. Her […]

Number 4 on the Street

The time finally came for Jacob to get his driving permit. He has been 18 for several months and has been busy with school. He also wanted to make sure he had the rules down cold. We drove to the DMV and waited in line. He got a number and waited for it to be […]

Minnie Mouse and Mom

This evening we had a Halloween get together known as a Trunk or Treat at the church. It was a fun evening. It appeared that Elizabeth had a great time.

There was also a chili cook-off that was going to be judged. Never entering anything in the event, I started with a basic […]

Independence Day – Range Style

A couple of days ago Eric called up and asked if we could go the the range on Independence Day. I told him I would think about it. Did I want to get up early to beat the heat and the crowd and go to the range or did I want to sleep in and […]

Father's Day - 2014

Another year has passed and another Fathers Day is already here. As I am sitting here eating leftover pizza this morning I contemplate Father’s Day. The pizza is from last night when Jacob and I went out to dinner. We had a good day yesterday going on a hike and then to dinner. Even after […]