February 2025

Cross Country

Jacob has joined the Beaumont High School Cross Country Team. In one way it is difficult to believe that Jacob is in High School. Well, he is and he is having fun. Today they ran against Hemet out by Diamond Valley Lake. Jacob did well and the team won best overall.

Beaumont High […]

Time Continuum

Another day passes and I have clocked another year on the planet. Thanks to the many who have wished me a Happy Birthday. There was also a special dinner for yours truly. Janet for getting date, time an place set up. Also thanks the the sly Walter and Emily that picked up the tab before […]

Measure twice and drill once

Tonight the table and bench edges were routed. We then assembled the table tops by drilling pilot holes with a counter sink and screwing in the stainless steel screws. Of course, before the holes could be drilled there was a lot of squaring up of the table top and the supports that go underneath. The […]

Measure twice – cut once

Today was the beginning of Eric’s Eagle Project. Time is flying towards his 18th birthday, so the work must go on. He had his project approved a couple of months ago. He wanted to do two picnic tables for his school lunch area. After meeting with the approval committee, he was doing four.

Today was […]


As I read a post by Brigid, The Cabin, Lessons in Goodbye this morning, I reflected back in time on memories of times past. It seems that so often we are focused on where we are and where we are going that we fail to realize where we have been. Those past experiences are the […]

The Regatta and the Lady of the Lake

Today we had Riverside Community Sailing Program regatta at the lake. Sailing went well. Jacob came in second and I finished fourth out of eight. It was fun to get out and sail. As I finished up, lo and behold there was a new geocache published and it was in the lake. Lady of the […]

Gone Green

Just after 9 PM tonight a new cache was published – Gone Green – GC2EHRT. The cache has a difficulty of four out of five. It also had a terrain rating of four out of five. Jacob, Eric and I rushed out of the house prepared for a First To Find (FTF). We arrived at […]

Hooked Up

There are some things that get funnier over time. This is one of those. However, to Eric, it was not a lot of fun. It all started when he, a couple of friends and several acquaintances went airsofting. A few dressed up for their game in camouflage. Eric and one of his friends was […]

Sailing and Vitamin D

It seems as though just over a week ago I was in and out of the North Fork of the Virgin River in Zion National Park. I an done with getting my feet wet for a few months now. For today, Jacob and I decided to stay on top of the water.

Sailing […]

Carmelized Bacon Buttermilk Waffles

Janet let me know that she was going to make waffles tonight. She found a recipe at Home on the Range that looked good. Janet and Jacob worked on the bacon and the batter and then Jacob did the cooking. My photo does not do justice to the flavor. They were great, especially with the […]

Willard George Rogers

Today Eric, Jacob and I had dinner with my grandfather and their great grandfather. Willard is getting up in years – about 98 to be exact. Earlier in the day Jacob and I visited and we told a few stories that made him laugh. He still gets around fairly well. We all enjoined his company […]

C W Palmer

When I was a youngster of about 11 years of age I stayed with my grandfather, C W Palmer for a week. I remember him telling me stories of when he was younger and herded cattle in the Grand Canyon.

C W Palmer

Today Eric, Jacob and I stopped by to see some […]

More Mountain than Hiking

Zion Narrows

Thursday we set out to hike the Zion Narrows from Chamberlains Ranch to the end. There was also plenty of water on the hike. Walking in chest deep water as well as a few short swims were also part of the hike. Late in the afternoon it began to thunder with […]

More Mountain than Bike

Today we went mountain biking on an intermediate trail. It should have taken two hours to complete. It turned into a four plus hour trip. There were a couple of crash and burns with a little skin left on mother earth. A couple of us has a mild case of altitude sickness and parts of […]

Sea Cadet Graduation Day

The trip was made to Camp Roberts for the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Pacific Southwest Region Eleven Graduation Day. Upon arrival at the location of the graduation, it was much like I had anticipated. A stage with bleachers on both sides. After a delay due to bunk house inspections, the cadets were on […]