February 2025

Dad, another day in the battle at LLUMC – Day 8

I arrived early today as I have meetings at work on Tuesday mornings. When I entered the room, it was dark and Dad was sleeping with his mouth was wide open. The PCA or Personal Care Assistant was in the room. She said that he had a difficult night and kept getting up to go […]

Dad – another day in the battle at LLUMC – Day 7

Got back into town tonight so I went LLUMC to see how Dad was doing. Upon my arrival to the ninth floor I found Dad in the Day Room surrounded by my brother Eric, his wife, Chanel and their three children and Dads wife Natalie. Eric and his family had been there for a while […]

Dad, another day in the battle at LLUMC – Day 6

I talked to Dad today on the phone this afternoon. He was doing alright. However, he seemed to be a little down. Dad stated, “I am just laying here dying.” I called back later to talked to his nurse who had also noticed that Dad was a little off today. He also let me know […]

Dad, another day in the battle at LLUMC – Day 5

Up north and not able to visit Dad. Dad tends to not answer his phone. For an update I talked to his nurse. I found out that Dad was up today and walked around the nurse’s station with Eric, my brother. His pain is has been better and his white blood count has dropped. Things […]

Dad, another day in the Battle at LLUMC - Day 4

Janet and I stopped by to see my Dad this morning. He was in relatively good spirits. I did my usual morning opening of the curtains. We had a good chat and talked about several things. We talked about the addition of more art on the door. He is getting a rather large collection. He […]

Dad, another day in the battle at LLUMC – Day 3

This morning Dad looked good. He said he slept well. He had no problems with the ice cream or jell-o. That is great news for someone who loves ice cream. I asked about pain and he said he was doing good as he held up the button. I am glad that he is able to […]

Doctors, Cancer and Vanilla Ice Cream

Tonight we met with Dr. Reeves, the cancer surgeon. Dad was there along with his wife.My brothers Wayne and Eric were there and Alan, my brother that is in Utah called in and was talking to Dads wife. As we waited dad was in a little pain. The doctor was running late. More time passed […]

Dad, another day in the battle at LLUMC – Day 2

Stopped by this morning to see how Dad was doing. It took over an hour to get there because of an accident on the 91 at Barton Road. When I arrived at his room, I noticed that he looked a little better than yesterday and the day before. He was not in that pained look, […]

Dad, another day in the battle at LLUMC

I am writing this with an understanding of the peculiarities of Palmers as opposed to any medical background which I do not have. I will defer to Dr. Eric for that. If I want an expert in Palmer peculiarities, I will defer to my son Eric, who seems so have several.

Yesterday when I went […]

Dad - ER Continued

Stopped by to see Dad this morning in the ER. He has been there since Saturday night. He seems to be doing better. When I came into his room, he was sitting up. He smiled and we talked for a few minutes. He did not sleep well last night and he was tired. I got […]

Dad, sons and the dog

This evening I received a phone call from my brother Eric that Dad was in the hospital. He explained that he went in yesterday evening with a high temperature and pain. He had an abscess on his liver in the area of his previous biopsy.

We were both in the room and Dad’s wife, Natalie, […]