March 2025

Independence Day - Alton Utah style

Going to a small town for the Independence Day is a little different. When the town only has a little more than one hundred people, someone is put in charge of the celebration. As for this year, I do not know who that person is, but they did a great job.

First on […]

Happy Birthdy Dad

Just thinking of Dad on his birthday. He passed away the 24 of June, 2009 just days away from his 75th birthday.

Utah Gun Show

On Friday morning I set off to a gun show in Salt Lake City Utah, a drive from Southern California. Being born in Utah over 50 years ago and visiting the state many times over the years, there are many things I enjoy in the state of Utah. One of the things I love is […]

Birthday - Walter gets older

Tonight we celebrated Walters birthday with a barbeque and friends. It was a lot of fun. There were some youngsters that tasted the snap peas off the plant and kept going back for more. Who would have thought, youngsters spontaneously eating vegetables.

Of course we needed a picture of the birthday boy, his lovely wife […]

Mt Rubidoux – Evening Walk

Knowing that the sun was going down soon, I woke up Elizabeth after she had been napping for over an hour. She was not happy. She even told me that she was not happy. However, I quickly put her in the stroller, and she gave me a smile. I soon whisked her out the front […]

New Wheels

As a child I spent time at my grandfathers home in Kaysville Utah when we went on vacation. One of my favorite places to go was to the “Farm” which was a plot of land that grandpa built a shop and storage building on. It was always a fun place to go.

I remember […]

Four Months Old – and just getting cuter

Elizabeth is now four months old and just getting cuter. She has made it past Thanksgiving and soon after Christmas and New Years she will be five months old. It is amazing how big she is getting. Before we know it, she will be crawling around the house.


Happy Thanksgiving

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Got up, fixed a wonderful family breakfast of biscuits, old fashioned sourdough pancakes, bacon (3 lbs.), and sausage. We had milk and orange juice to drink. Of course there was jams and jellies along with the butter, real maple syrup as well as the fake stuff. It […]

Dia de Los Muertos

I have to admit that I have never heard of Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead Celebration), or at least never understood what it was all about. As for the setup of the evening, on Thursday evening Janet and I were out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Zacatecas. Our waitress […]

Mt Rubidoux – almost

Tonight Emily and went on a walk to the entrance of Mt. Rubidoux. I have a geocache there that went missing. Elizabeth went on the walk with us. The evening was warm and by the time we got to the gates, which is about a mile away from the house, she was a sleep.



This afternoon the my grand daughter Elizabeth took me to lunch. Of course, Janet, Emily and her husband Walter, Eric and his friend Alisha as well as Scott came along. Someone always seems to be missing from the picture so I did a quick stitch job to get everyone in.


One Month Old - Cuter than a squash . . .

This past month has gone quickly. At least my coworkers have stopped calling me grandpa at work. As for Elizabeth, she is a very cute young lady. I did not have any pumpkins in the garden so I had to settle for cuter than a squash. I would venture to state that she is cuter […]

Great Grandma

As I walk down the hall at work, I occasionally hear the words, grandpa. A few of my coworkers get a chuckle out of calling me grandpa. Many of my coworkers are the same age as myself, plus or minus five years. In reality, several of them could be grandpa without much of a problem.


Elizabeth Annabella Mazariegos

As of today we have a new addition to our family. Emily Ann, our oldest and only daughter gave birth to a girl. She weighed 6 lbs. 7 oz. and was 19.25 inches long. Mon and baby are health. Elizabeth is the first grandchild and I am sure she will show up in future posts.


Shooting in the rain

One of my brothers called to let me know that one of my other brothers asked their daughters what they wanted to do when they went to Utah. Their answer – shooting. Our nieces had never shot a gun before and that is what they wanted to do.

As a side story, my three […]