March 2025


I decided to take a couple of days off work to spend some time around the house. It was also a good opportunity to make cookies. Of course one of the first things is to make the cookie dough. That is an exciting procedure because you get to use a lot of different things.


Pizza Time

On of my favorite things to do is make pizza with Elizabeth. She spreads out the sauce, puts on the cheese and pepperoni and watches me put the pie in the oven. Sometimes I think she likes making pizza so much is because she likes eating the cheese while she is attempting to put is […]

Sweet with Sweets

There is nothing like the smile of Elizabeth when she is happy. There is nothing that make a kid happier that something sweet.

Happy Pi Day

Tonight I looked around the kitchen trying to find a way to celebrate Pi Day. Flour tortillas are round. Check. The next step was what to do with the flour tortilla. Looking through the refrigerator I found mozzarella cheese, pepperonis and pizza sauce. On went the broiler. I toased up the tortilla a bit, spread […]

Pizza Time

Was in the mood for home made pizza tonight. The toughest part is having to wait for the dough to rise. However, a good crust takes it time. Did not get a picture of the pizza pies, just a few slices of what was left.

Smoked Macaroni

Last night I woke up to the smell of smoke in the house. I made my way into the kitchen to find smoke coming from a pot on the stove. One of the children in their twenties decided to prepare some Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. No problem starting the preparation part. the problem comes when […]

Minnie Mouse and Mom

This evening we had a Halloween get together known as a Trunk or Treat at the church. It was a fun evening. It appeared that Elizabeth had a great time.

There was also a chili cook-off that was going to be judged. Never entering anything in the event, I started with a basic […]

Chinese, New Year

This evening my lovely wife and I looked at each other and said, “What is for dinner?” It was New Year’s Eve and we were watching Elizabeth. After a brief discussion, we agreed on Chinese food. We ordered orange chicken, kung pao chicken, chicken and vegetables with sides of fried rice and brown rice. We […]

Monday Night Downtown

Due to the large crowd on Sunday night, we decided we would make another run at it on Monday night. Tonight it is Elizabeth, Emily and myself. The crowds were extremely light as the sun was just going down when we arrived. We had time to take a picture, Emily, Elizabeth and myself. Or should […]

Fun with Elizabeth

This past weekend I got to spend some extra time with Elizabeth. There were several things on the to-do list. We cleaned up the garden, raked leaves, added organic material to the garden boxes and turned the soil over. This was all in preparation for planting the onions.

Last week we planted broccoli, […]

Sriracha or Not

Tonight for dinner I heated up the last of my home made black beans. Added some brown rice and yesterdays stir fry of onions, red bell peppers, a red jalapeno pepper and small cubes of zucchini. I placed the mixture in a large 12″ flour tortilla and spread some grated sharp cheddar cheese on top. […]

Brothers and Pizza

Today we traveled several miles. One of the highlights was Pizza at Heap’s Brick Oven Pizza. It was good fun to catch up on the happenings of my brothers and their children.

Kale and California

Tonight I decided that I needed to eat out of the garden. Recently I have put together a stir-fry with kale, so I picked a little kale. I ended up with a paper shopping bag full of kale. For this stir-fry I would need to add a couple of red bell peppers and a couple […]

Vegetarian or Not . . . That is the Question?

Tonight I was faced with having to use the two Trader Joe’s Pizza Dough. I took it out of the refrigerator and went shopping for some thing that we needed. Upon my return, I set the over for 425 degrees and went into the garden for some cauliflower and broccoli. It was time to harvest […]

Baby Bullet

Tonight I felt like having vegetables for dinner. I cooked up a butternut squash from last falls garden and added some fresh cauliflower and broccoli. I ran some of the squash through the Baby Bullet with a little water and presto, dinner for Elizabeth.