March 2025

Happy Thanksgiving

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Got up, fixed a wonderful family breakfast of biscuits, old fashioned sourdough pancakes, bacon (3 lbs.), and sausage. We had milk and orange juice to drink. Of course there was jams and jellies along with the butter, real maple syrup as well as the fake stuff. It […]

Dia de Los Muertos

I have to admit that I have never heard of Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead Celebration), or at least never understood what it was all about. As for the setup of the evening, on Thursday evening Janet and I were out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Zacatecas. Our waitress […]

Green House Gasses

It was a pleasant surprise when I cam home tonight to find the children were creating green house gasses in honor that global warming stopped 16 years ago.

Of course there was a haze in the kitchen due to the making of french fries. The haze was promptly transported outside along with the […]

Vegan Pizza – Not

Tonight we wanted to make a healthier pizza. We picked up the dough from Trader Joe and let is sit on the counter for almost an hour before we rolled it out. We used the Trader Joe pizza sauce as well. On went the cheese, pepperonis and the spinach. The pizza tasted great and it […]

Vegan for a day

I thought I would try out the veggie burger. It was good. Of course the onion rings were great.

After some thought, a couple of slices of bacon on the veggie burger would have made it great . . .

By Train

Today I had to go in to LA for a meeting so I decided to take the train. It was an interesting adventure. The first stop was the ticket machine. There was no real sign on how to get started, just some buttons. I had to ask the person next to me what to do. […]

Could it be any tougher?

If is is not Girl Scout Cookies, they it is the free M&M’s. Needless to say, the free M&M’s moved fairly quickly in comparison to the cookies. I am proud to say, I stayed away from both.

New Year and a New Program

I decided today was the day I was going to work on raising the bar of my physical fitness. I started my commitment yesterday by walking a mile. The tough part for today was going to eat right. I started the day weighing myself on the Wii. Then it was off to work. As I […]

21 years ago tomorrow

It is amazing that time has passed so quickly. Tomorrow is Emily’s 21st birthday. She has grown so much in many ways. She is just plain old growing up. We celebrated her birthday tonight. We went out to diner and then came back home for presents and ice cream. She received two cookbooks, my favorite, […]

Carmelized Bacon Buttermilk Waffles

Janet let me know that she was going to make waffles tonight. She found a recipe at Home on the Range that looked good. Janet and Jacob worked on the bacon and the batter and then Jacob did the cooking. My photo does not do justice to the flavor. They were great, especially with the […]

Not so Lean

Several times a week, my lunch consists of a “Lean” frozen entree and water. How can a guy live off of a 300 calorie lunch? Well, I am and I am losing weight. What do I get in return? I get to eat what I want now and then. For example, I started my day […]

Sourdough biscuit weather

As the month of November starts, we are having cooler weather. One thing I like about cooler weather is that I can get yard work done without baking in the heat and sun. Another thing I like is to do is do a little baking inside the house. Last night I pulled my sourdough starter […]

Pizza and Crew 6

Several weeks ago the boys in Crew 6 planned out things that they wanted to do. They like food and the topic of Gourmet Cooking came up. I am game, there is no reason why they should not learn a little about cooking and enjoy eating. The first meeting where they cooked they made hot […]

Old-Fashioned Sourdough Pancakes

Almost every weekend I grab my sourdough starter from the refrigerator on Saturday, feed it well and wait until Sunday to make some pancakes. For starter I have used 1847 Oregon Trail Sourdough Starter for many years. For many years Carl Griffith shared his starter and it is now shared by his friends. They also […]

All Things Green – Almost

There is a time a man has got to do what a man has got to do. I came home for lunch and created myself a heaping pastrami and provolone sandwich on rye bread with a generous helping of potato salad. I would have to read too many packages and do some mathematical calculations to […]