March 2025


Every year I let a volunteer sunflower come up in the backyard. It grow about 8 feet tall and is covered with sunflowers. This year I let two come up. One grew up tall and the other one laid over in the parking area. The one that was close to the ground gave Elizabeth and […]

Joseph's Coat

Several years ago I planted a climbing rose along the fence in the backyard. The years I take more care in pruning it during the winter, the showier it is in the spring. Of course, the name of the rose plant is Joseph’s Coat. The flowers change their color through the progression of each blooms […]

Spring is showing

Every year I have volunteer sunflowers come up in the backyard. I usually thin the crop out to one or two plants. The birds love the seeds and it is nice to have sunny little flowers in the back yard. It lets me know spring is here.



Today was onion harvest day. Last year I put the onions in a place to cure that did not work well as the were hit by the hot sun for part of the day. This year I have built a small cloth tent over the table that they are curing. Then I will have a […]

Kale to Climbing

This evening started in the garden doing a little weeding, picking some zucchini and kale. Elizabeth pointed out the zucchini that was ready to be picked, as one of my plants has yellow zucchini and they are easy to see.

When it was time to wash the kale, Elizabeth was there for the water as […]

Bat Guano and the Garden Queen

I make a trip to the nursery a couple times a month for plants and supplies in the spring. On occasion when I check out I ask for a “bat guano infested bag of soil amendment”. Most of the time they respond, you want “Bumper Crop” to which I reply yes.

Who would have […]

Fun with Elizabeth

This past weekend I got to spend some extra time with Elizabeth. There were several things on the to-do list. We cleaned up the garden, raked leaves, added organic material to the garden boxes and turned the soil over. This was all in preparation for planting the onions.

Last week we planted broccoli, […]

Gardening – The do’s and don’ts

Today was a day to clean up the garden a little. There were a few areas that the weeds had grown which needed to be cleared as well as pruning back the tomato plants that had grown out of control. If the tomato plants had fruit on them, I would leave them. However, out of […]

Carrots and Beets

Yesterday evening I took a sample carrot from the garden. It was bigger than I expected. A couple of days ago a pulled a beet up and it looked like they were ready as well. The tomatoes are starting to turn red, so we will have tomatoes soon. You can see that the plants are […]

Kale and California

Tonight I decided that I needed to eat out of the garden. Recently I have put together a stir-fry with kale, so I picked a little kale. I ended up with a paper shopping bag full of kale. For this stir-fry I would need to add a couple of red bell peppers and a couple […]

Early Girl Arrives

I look around the garden almost every day. Elizabeth makes a trip into the garden with me almost every day as well. Today I ventured out alone. I know that there just had to be some fruit on the Early Girl tomato. The Early Girl produces medium sized fruit and from what I have been […]

Eight Months Old

Today Elizabeth is eight months old. We go out to the garden almost every day to look at the plants grow. She eats little sprigs of broccoli off the broccoli pants as well as chews on the snap peas. The past few days she has grabbed a small piece of a kale leaf to chew […]

Tomatoes – Can you find one?

Elizabeth and I went out to the garden today at lunch and looked at the beet, carrot, onion and tomato plants as well as several other plants in the garden. Today was the big question, can you see a tomato yet? We think we see a tiny one. Only time will tell.

The only […]

Thinning and Planting

It was a good day to work in the garden. I have two areas in the back yard where I grow vegetables, one on the East side and one on the West side. On the East side I have four tomato plants along with basil, 2 red bell peppers, kale, spinach, romaine lettuce, onions, carrots […]

Vegetarian or Not . . . That is the Question?

Tonight I was faced with having to use the two Trader Joe’s Pizza Dough. I took it out of the refrigerator and went shopping for some thing that we needed. Upon my return, I set the over for 425 degrees and went into the garden for some cauliflower and broccoli. It was time to harvest […]