March 2025

Mecca Hills Painted Canyon / Ladder Canyon Hike

Early this morning Jacob and myself made our way out to the desert. It is officially Jacobs eighteenth birthday and we were going to be hiking in the Mecca Hills. The Mecca Hills were formed by the convergence of the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate along the San Andreas Fault. It sounded like […]

Oak Glen - Hiking and Geocaching

Today Janet and I went to Oak Glen for her birthday. We had the opportunity to take Elizabeth along. I though it would be great fun. We ended up at Los Rios Ranchos for lunch, apple cider and a little bluegrass music. Lunch was good. Elizabeth especially liked grandma’s apple cider over the water that […]

Monroe Mountain Geocaching

Today we started out on a geocaching adventure. The first stop was in the town of Monroe Utah for a geocache called Monroe Creamery. When I was a little boy I remember going to the creamery in Monroe. My grandfather gave me a tour. I remember a large boiler because it had fire in it. […]

Death Valley - Geocaching and Fun

Jacob and I started on a three day trip where we were going to meet up with his Venturing Crew on their way to Death Valley. We wanted to grab a few geocaches along the way as well. Inside the park, geocache containers are not allowed. However, there are “Virtual” geocaches as well as Earthcaches. […]

Range Day

Today was a holiday so I decided it was a good day to go to the range. It has been several years ago when I went to the rage with Scott, my oldest son. He has never shot handguns before so we took a few to try out. He started with the Ruger MK III […]

Geocaching Box Springs Park

Rather than just hike the same 6.5 miles today, I thought I would pick up a few geocaches along the way. As for the day, the weather was forecast to have a 20 percent chance of showers and fog. As I headed to Box Springs Park, there was not a lot of drizzle, but there […]

Nature taking the heat

Today I thought it would be a good idea to get some more exercise. My usual direction is Mt. Rubidoux. However, that is not an option as it is closed today so that the fireworks can be set up in an attempt to catch the hill on fire which is a yearly tradition. As for […]

Father’s Day - 2011

This Fathers Day weekend was a little difficult. Two years ago, on the Friday evening before Fathers Day Jacob and I were headed out for a Boy Scout overnight campout at Blue Ridge and then a hike up Mt Baden Powell the next morning. Dad passed away just four days after our trip up to […]

Hiking and Geocaching - Sugarloaf Mountain

Today we went on a hike in preparation for our Philmont Trek this summer. As with any hike one need to plan and prepare. Part of the planning is to see if there are any geocaches available on the hike. We met at 7:00 in the neighborhood near the base of Sugarloaf Mountain in Riverside. […]

Geocaching Little Rattlesnake Mountain

Little Rattlesnake Mountain

It was a good day for exercise. I asked Eric if he wanted to go and his reply from his bed was no. He wanted to sleep. As for the hike, it was going to be to the top of Little Rattlesnake Mountain. The terrain is fairly steep and there […]

Powder Horn – weekend two

It was a fast weekend again at Powder Horn, a high adventure skills resource course or the Boy Scouts of America. The course is a six day course over two weekends and this was the second weekend. This weekend was at the Irvine Ranch Orange Education Center (OEC) we covered several more elements of the […]

The Regatta and the Lady of the Lake

Today we had Riverside Community Sailing Program regatta at the lake. Sailing went well. Jacob came in second and I finished fourth out of eight. It was fun to get out and sail. As I finished up, lo and behold there was a new geocache published and it was in the lake. Lady of the […]

Gone Green

Just after 9 PM tonight a new cache was published – Gone Green – GC2EHRT. The cache has a difficulty of four out of five. It also had a terrain rating of four out of five. Jacob, Eric and I rushed out of the house prepared for a First To Find (FTF). We arrived at […]

Mt. Baden Powell - Geocaching and Operation On Target

After spending a cool night under the stars listening to some yahoo chop wood several times during the night to keep his campfire going, we arose at 4:20 AM this morning. We made our way to Vincent Gap from the Blue Ridge campground. At Vincent gap there is this large parking lot and the trail […]

Geocaching and Scouting

Jacob and I made it to the Blue Ridge campground and quickly ate dinner. We asked if a couple of the other scouts wanted to go find a Geocache. We needed to put “Mike” a travel bug into a new cache location. Jacob and I have been there before. We let the two other boys […]