March 2025


I decided to take a couple of days off work to spend some time around the house. It was also a good opportunity to make cookies. Of course one of the first things is to make the cookie dough. That is an exciting procedure because you get to use a lot of different things.


Oak Glen

Today Emily, Elizabeth and I took a trip to Oak Glen to go on a hike. Elizabeth has been wanting to go to the mountains. The have a nice trail at the Oak Glen Preserve. The main loop trail is 2 miles which would make for a fun activity. One of the first things we […]

Pizza Time

On of my favorite things to do is make pizza with Elizabeth. She spreads out the sauce, puts on the cheese and pepperoni and watches me put the pie in the oven. Sometimes I think she likes making pizza so much is because she likes eating the cheese while she is attempting to put is […]

Birthday Wishes

It is that time in my life where I get to be taken out to dinner for my birthday. We do not want to burden the children with the cost of dinner so we do everything we can to make sure we get the check. We talked to the restaurant and made sure that the […]

Kick Ball with the Big Kids

It was nice of the bigger kids to let the younger ones play kickball with them. However, it became apparent that some of the littler kids were not clear on the concept. For instance, Elizabeth kicked the ball and knew she was supposed to run. She was not clear on where she was going or […]

Elizabeth Turns Three

Another year has passed in the life of young Elizabeth. It has been a fun year. As for her birthday, it started out with ice cream cake.

From there we needed to work of the cake and ice cream with a little game of put the carrot on the face of Olaf. It […]


Every year I let a volunteer sunflower come up in the backyard. It grow about 8 feet tall and is covered with sunflowers. This year I let two come up. One grew up tall and the other one laid over in the parking area. The one that was close to the ground gave Elizabeth and […]

Flower on a Mountain

Took a little walk tonight looking for the sunset. On the way up Mt. Rubidoux, I came across a nice flower.

I hiked a little further and I happened upon another one of natures beautiful creations.

I bet she would say that she is a princess if you ask her. The princess of […]

Where is the Princess

Elizabeth and I got to spend some time together today. We were in the back yard doing yard work when I thought, Elizabeth may want something different to do. I went to the garage and got out the log cabin tote and sat down with her and played for a while.

I remember building […]

The Animals

We let Elizabeth know that we were going to see some turkeys, chickens and lamas also known as the animals at my brothers house. She was excited to see them. However, when she actually saw them, she treated them like aliens. then again, how often to young children come face to face with large feathered […]

Sweet with Sweets

There is nothing like the smile of Elizabeth when she is happy. There is nothing that make a kid happier that something sweet.

Lizard Watching

Elizabeth and I set out on an adventure to find some lizards. I usually carry her in a backpack on my back and really was not into that today so we sent to Sycamore Canyon Park, which is somewhat flatter than Box Springs Mountain Park. We stopped my the Ameal Moore Nature Center to get […]

New Year

The New Year is here and I have not blogged very much. Been busy on projects around the house and spending time with Elizabeth. She is really blossoming into a two and a half year old. We have more words as well as some dialogue. She obeys very well most of the time. Sometimes she […]

Happy Thanksgiving

Elizabeth and I had a little fun making hand turkeys. Perhaps next year she will really understand Thanksgiving better and know what a turkey looks like.

Wakeup for Wildlife

Last night I went to bed at the usual time for the work week even though I had the day off. The plan was to take Elizabeth on a hike with me. When she got to the house this morning it was obvious that she was tired. She did not want to go to bed […]