March 2025

An Evening with Elizabeth

I had the opportunity to spent the evening with my granddaughter Elizabeth tonight. I have been out hiking the last two evenings, so why not a third evening. Mom dropped Elizabeth off and we got packed up. We had jackets, water, snacks, a first aid kit and a flashlight just in case we went on […]

Weight of the Grandchild

It was another warm night. Elizabeth’s mom had a final to take on line so I offered to take Elizabeth for a walk. When she saw the backpack, she started saying “walk, walk, walk” excitedly. She may not understand that she is really not going for a walk. Grandpa is going for the walk.


Evening Ride

It was another nice evening so I went for a walk and Elizabeth got to ride. I thought about the typical 2.2 mile loop that I do. However, it was just to nice of an evening to not go further. We decided to drop down to the bike path and march on. Last time we […]

Evening Walk

It was rather hot here today. The one time I checked the temperature it was 89 degrees and it is only the middle of March. The weather reports show late snowfall in the east. Frankly I would take a little snowfall here, or at least int he mountains with rain in the valleys. We need […]

Bat Guano and the Garden Queen

I make a trip to the nursery a couple times a month for plants and supplies in the spring. On occasion when I check out I ask for a “bat guano infested bag of soil amendment”. Most of the time they respond, you want “Bumper Crop” to which I reply yes.

Who would have […]

Chinese, New Year

This evening my lovely wife and I looked at each other and said, “What is for dinner?” It was New Year’s Eve and we were watching Elizabeth. After a brief discussion, we agreed on Chinese food. We ordered orange chicken, kung pao chicken, chicken and vegetables with sides of fried rice and brown rice. We […]

Monday Night Downtown

Due to the large crowd on Sunday night, we decided we would make another run at it on Monday night. Tonight it is Elizabeth, Emily and myself. The crowds were extremely light as the sun was just going down when we arrived. We had time to take a picture, Emily, Elizabeth and myself. Or should […]

Fun with Elizabeth

This past weekend I got to spend some extra time with Elizabeth. There were several things on the to-do list. We cleaned up the garden, raked leaves, added organic material to the garden boxes and turned the soil over. This was all in preparation for planting the onions.

Last week we planted broccoli, […]

Oak Glen - Hiking and Geocaching

Today Janet and I went to Oak Glen for her birthday. We had the opportunity to take Elizabeth along. I though it would be great fun. We ended up at Los Rios Ranchos for lunch, apple cider and a little bluegrass music. Lunch was good. Elizabeth especially liked grandma’s apple cider over the water that […]

Work and Play

Today I had a few thing to do around the house. I fixed a garden lamp and needed a little concrete at the base. No problem, a little concrete, some water and someone to mix it up.

The young worker worked so hard helping today I decided to take her out to dinner. Naturally […]

Gardening – The do’s and don’ts

Today was a day to clean up the garden a little. There were a few areas that the weeds had grown which needed to be cleared as well as pruning back the tomato plants that had grown out of control. If the tomato plants had fruit on them, I would leave them. However, out of […]


Somehow the monthly pictures of Elizabeth went away after she turned 12 months. She is walking and likes to look at things she finds. Anything within her reach is subject to examination. This past Saturday she was dressed up and I got a picture of her before she went on an adventure. Today Emily posted […]

Celebration of a Year

Today was the appointed day to celebrate the year mark for Elizabeth. There were many activities for the youngsters. There were three young people between the ages of 12 and 13 months old. They played see if we can catch Stevie the dog as well as sat and played in two different pools. One pool […]

12 Months old today – A time to celebrate

Today Elizabeth turned 12 months old. It was a busy day preparing for the party tomorrow. However, the was enough time left at the end of the evening to light a candle, sing Happy Birthday, and let Elizabeth enjoy her cake.

What to do when it is hot.

Elizabeth in the sprinklersBecause it has been so hot this past week I tur4ned on the sprinklers tonight. A few minutes later Elizabeth was out front and she discovered what sprinklers mean to a kid. She had a great time.

She went out on the lawn and was soaked by the time […]