March 2025

Mt. San Jacinto

It was time for the July Operation On-Target and due to a large fire that closed the trailhead that I normally use, I chose a different mountain. I also had the opportunity to take my nephew Corry along.

We started little later than I wanted so did not stop for lunch. We did stop […]

Hazy Hike - Operation On Target Workshop

Today I took a little time to hike up to high point on Box Springs Mountains to flash a mirror at some Varsity Scouts that were at the Operation On Target workshop. Each one of the youth got to make their own signal mirror.

The Scouts successfully signaled me on the mountain. I did […]

Mt. San Gorgonio

Today we woke up early at Fish Creek Saddle so that we could get up to the top of Mt. San Gorgonio before ten. The sun was just starting to appear in the east.

We headed towards Mine Shaft Saddle were we met a volunteer that offered to take our picture. Then he offered […]

Operation On-Target - Mt. San Gorgonio

Today was the July Operation On-Target where scouts climb or drive to peaks and see if they can send mirror flashes from peak to peak. that the scouts do every year. The peak I usually climb to is Mt. San Gorgonio.

It was a great day for a hike to the top of San Gorgonio […]

San Gorgonio - On Target

This weekend was the September Operation On Target for the Boy Scouts. Operation On Target, if you did not click on the link, is where scouts flash mirrors from peak to peak and communicate with HAM radios. Here is Southern California, we do it every third weekend in July and September.Yet again, we were going […]

San Gorgonio

For Operation On Target one must wake up early. To get to the tip of any peak, it requires a little time. We needed to be on the top of the mountain by ten. Operation On Target, if you did not click on the link, is where scouts flash mirrors from peak to peak and […]

Flash - San Gorgonio to Hayden Peak

Today was Operation On Target, a BSA event where Varsity Scouts go to mountain tops to signal each other with mirrors. Early on we received a signal from Hayden Peak, some 180 miles away. We were in contact via HAM radios to verify that we saw their mirror flash a signal at us. It was […]

Mt. San Gorgonio

As the sun started to rise in the east, it was time to get up. In order to get to the top of Mt. San Gorgonio by 10 AM we needed to leave by 6:30 AM. A quick breakfast and we were on our way.

Within about a half mile we had a view […]

23 for 50 and 11499

Yesterday was my birthday and a birthday lunch was set up to celebrate. Janet and I met with Scott, Emily and Walter, Emily’s husband at Zacatecas for lunch. There was the obligatory centerpiece with the numbers 50 on it. I wore a necklace with 50’s on it as well. Lunch was good and Emily picked […]

San Gorgonio Mountain

This weekend Jacob and I went to the top of San Gorgonio Mountain. We started at the Fish Creek trailhead about 6 in the evening. To get to our camping spot for the night, we needed to hike in about 5 miles with an elevation gain of about 1,800 feet. Of course, on our way […]

Mt. Baden Powell - Geocaching and Operation On Target

After spending a cool night under the stars listening to some yahoo chop wood several times during the night to keep his campfire going, we arose at 4:20 AM this morning. We made our way to Vincent Gap from the Blue Ridge campground. At Vincent gap there is this large parking lot and the trail […]

On Target – Geocaching and Mirrors

This past Friday afternoon I picked up Jacob for a Boy Scout overnight campout. We traveled to Blue Jay Campground in the Cleveland National Forest. It is at a mere 3400’ and it was hot. We were going to be cooking foil diners once there were coals to cook on. That required a fire to […]