March 2025

Independence Day Thoughts

As I sat and listened to “Amazing Grace” by Condoleezza Rice and Jenny Oaks Baker I could not help think of the founding fathers and their belief in God. Their understanding of the importance of freedom as a God given principal. As the founding fathers were guided by the spirit and their wisdom, we have […]

A Hot 102

Today was hot. As I was headed home two neighboring communities were at 104 degrees. Riverside only hit 102. I still did a little work in the garden tonight as the sun was setting. As for today, the chocolate ice cream after dinner was the highlight. As for tomorrow, the forecast is for 90 degrees […]

Voltage or Current

I could not drive by without taking a picture of a truck with a pair of arc welders on the back. One placed on the right rear one one placed on the left rear corners of the truck. Then there was the microwave oven seemingly mounted at the heart of the bed of the truck […]

Constitution Day

Perhaps there are those that do not realize that September 17 is Constitution Day. This day recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens. It is normally observed on September 17 which is the day the U.S. Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution in 1787 in Philadelphia. The day […]

Living on Earth post 9/11

Several years have passed from 11th of September in the year of 2001. I remember turning on the radio on my way to work and hearing reports of what was going on. At work the internet provided more information. During lunch at home I was able to watch the television. The feelings of that day […]

Out is In

This past Sunday, Jacob and I walked downtown and went to the Riverside Metropolitan Museum. We wandered around and viewed the exhibits. Upstairs they had a exhibit, John Muir & the Personal Experience with Nature.

Two things stood out there. A couple of quotes from John Muir and the illustrations of wildflowers. As for […]

Father's Day - 2014

Another year has passed and another Fathers Day is already here. As I am sitting here eating leftover pizza this morning I contemplate Father’s Day. The pizza is from last night when Jacob and I went out to dinner. We had a good day yesterday going on a hike and then to dinner. Even after […]

Jacob Graduates

Tonight was the Graduation for Beaumont High School in Southern California. Jacob, our youngest in now officially graduated from high school. The school sits in an area between Mt San Gorgonio as seen as a grey rocky peak in the left side of the photo with an elevation of 11,503 feet.

Mt. San […]

Mt. San Jacinto - More gain = More pain

Two weeks ago I hiked to the top of Mt. San Jacinto. I thought I would do it again today. The last trip was 16 miles with an elevation gain of 4,400 feet. Today’s trip was 19 miles and an elevation gain of 5,500 feet.

It reminds me of a parable I was told years […]

Evening Ride

It was another nice evening so I went for a walk and Elizabeth got to ride. I thought about the typical 2.2 mile loop that I do. However, it was just to nice of an evening to not go further. We decided to drop down to the bike path and march on. Last time we […]

Where there is smoke there is . . . ?

Tonight I received a text from my daughter that said, “The dryer still smells fire but I am going to start it.” I was not as concerned that the dryer was smelling fire as the dryer smelling like fire.

I had walked through the house and it had a faint smell like someone had […]

America’s Dwindling Economic Freedom

As the new year starts I think about the world we live in. One of my colleagues, Dave, went to the doctor last week. The doctor asked Dave how he liked his medical insurance. The response was something to the effect that it is alright. The doctor responded that he was insured under his wife […]

A New Year

Every year is started with hopes of change or something new. I started my day with a little hike up the Two Trees trail. I have not been up this trail for a few months. I though back of my trips up this trail with Stevie the dog. She had a desire to climb the […]

Sometimes you need to stop and look . . .

I was traveling back from Jacobs last track meet and the sky looked gorgeous. I had to choose an off ramp and get to a place that I could take a picture without all the city clutter as I was in Riverside. Luckily, by UCR there are some fields that work well to allow one […]

The First Hustler Runs the Big Con

As I received an email at work yesterday regarding our workplace healthcare plan, I shuddered. No, it was not being canceled. The co pay was going up. Additionally, there is a tax in the future if our plan is better than the Affordable Care Act. I thought of all the people receiving notices that their […]