March 2025

Regatta 2015

For the past six years the Riverside Community Sailing Program has hosted the Mayor and City Council Regatta for the City of Riverside. Today was year Seven. All went well. I only have two pictures of the event. I am tired and happy that it is over. It is time to rest and soon enough […]

Sailing with Emily

It was a warm day and I wanted to get out of the house. I looked and Emily and we thought about a walk. It was a little warm for that. How about sailing was the next thought. So it was off to the lake for a evening of sailing. The breeze was cool and […]

Sailing with Elizabeth

Tonight was our last summer sailing event. It is a signal the the summer will be over soon. I knew I would have to take advantage to the event and get on the water with Elizabeth. As we were getting ready to leave, she grabbed her life jacket and said, “wa wa” as an indication […]

First Time Sailor

Tonight was Thursday Night sailing at Lake Evans for the volunteers and former students. I have not been sailing in several months, so I wanted to get out on the water. However, tonight I had a sailing partner and crew on shore.

Janet was on shore to take pictures as Elizabeth and I […]

Riverside Mayor and City Council Regatta – 2014

Today was the Riverside Mayor and City Council Regatta. Everything went well and the best I could tell, fun was had by all. There is a good write up inThe Press Enterprise

Riverside Mayor William “Rusty” Bailey takes a victory bath in Lake Evans with a little help from interim fire chief […]

Sailing and walking the dog

Several months have passed from that last time I sailed in Lake Evans. Tonight was the Thursday evening summer sail. I decided at the last minute to go down to the park and sail. The last three days I have commuted into Orange County for work which constituted one and a half hours in and […]

Sailing and Food

Jacob and I went the the Thursday evening sail with the Riverside Community Sailing Program. Eric tagged along because he heard that there was food. Emily wanted to go sailing so she showed up later with Walter, her husband. Scott happened to come along, because there was going to be food. Nonetheless, all four children […]

Sailing – end of the summer season

Tonight was our last summer sailing evening.

Sailing on Lake Evans

We sailed ever Thursday evening for the last 3 months. This was the first evening that I sailed in the month of August. I am sorry to see the evening sailing over. The days are getting shorter and the breeze stalls out […]

Running and Sailing

Last night I went out for a run as I still prepare for the trek at Philmont Scout Ranch. Phone did not want to work with the GPS so I pulled the battery and took of running. I made it past the gate to Mt Rubidoux and came to a place to turn around. I […]

Sailing with Jacob

As the evening cooled down Jacob and I went down to Lake Evans for a little sailing.

Jacob on the dock with boat 1 and boat 8 ready to go

The wind was moderate and we sailed around for a hour or so. We even took time to float in the middle of […]

Riverside City Council Regatta

Yesterday was a long day at the lake. It was the Riverside City Council Regatta. We got everything set up in time and the event went off without a hitch. I usually have a child there to take photos so I can post them on the blog. However, they were all off doing other things […]

More Exercise

There is a time when one has to say, “Do I really want more exercise tonight?” Last night I went for a run/walk of about 3 miles. I felt good afterwards even if I got a little winded when I ran. Tonight I determined that I still needed to exercise. Perhaps a little upper body […]

Father’s Day - 2011

This Fathers Day weekend was a little difficult. Two years ago, on the Friday evening before Fathers Day Jacob and I were headed out for a Boy Scout overnight campout at Blue Ridge and then a hike up Mt Baden Powell the next morning. Dad passed away just four days after our trip up to […]

Sailing Season

The weather has been warmer and the sun is out later so there is a plan to sail more often. Sitting in a sail boat in light wind is not a very good cardio exercise so I will have to balance diet, exercise and sailing. Then again, keeping wind in the sail takes thought and […]

Sailing 101 – Scott

Tonight as I was wrapping things up at work Scott called and used his famous line, “Where are you at?” Of course I was at work. His next line surprised me, “Do you want to go sailing?” It was time to go home so I made my way home to get Scott to go sailing. […]