March 2025

Lizard Watching

Elizabeth and I set out on an adventure to find some lizards. I usually carry her in a backpack on my back and really was not into that today so we sent to Sycamore Canyon Park, which is somewhat flatter than Box Springs Mountain Park. We stopped my the Ameal Moore Nature Center to get […]

Fall Weather

It seems that things are getting cooler. It may still climb into the 90’s during the peak of the day. However, the evenings and mornings are much cooler. That makes for wonderful evening hiking weather.

This evening I left the house in the direction of Mt. Rubidoux. I dropped down by the river on […]

Smokey Sunset

Tonight there was a lot of smoke in the sky because of the wildfire in Silverado Canyon. On my way home from the grocery store the sky was a bright orange. By the time I got the milk, cheddar cheese and bread put away, the sun had made its way down. I still got a […]

Box Springs in the Heat

Soon I will be climbing Mt. San Gorgonio so I need to stay in shape. It has been hot and my desire to stay in where it is cool is greater than my desire to go out and hike up a mountain. This afternoon I forced myself out of the house. The outside temperature was […]

Out is In

This past Sunday, Jacob and I walked downtown and went to the Riverside Metropolitan Museum. We wandered around and viewed the exhibits. Upstairs they had a exhibit, John Muir & the Personal Experience with Nature.

Two things stood out there. A couple of quotes from John Muir and the illustrations of wildflowers. As for […]

Sunday Glow

There is nothing like a small young lady admiring the beauty in nature. It could be a flower that attracts her attention and draws her interest.

Then again, it may be the adventure of climbing a mountain and sitting on giant granite boulders.

Or it may be just the opportunity to watch […]

San Bernardino Trail

This afternoon a few of us took off for the mountains to hike in cooler weather. Out choice for the simple six plus mile hike was going to be the San Bernardino Trail in the Mt. San Gorgonio Wilderness. We arrived at the trailhead about 4:30 in the afternoon.

As we started up the […]

Sunset from Box Springs Mountain Park

Some evenings I am quicker up and down the trail. Others I am moving a little slower and get to enjoy the sunset. Tonight was one of those nights. There was a cool breeze out and the beautifully painted sky was a nice break from the concrete jungle.


Box Springs Evening

Tonight was another evening hike in the Box Springs Mountain Park. The weather has been warm so I try to start a little later in the evening. Of course the sun goes down while I am out. However, tonight I received a little help from the moon. The evening air cooled down and there was […]

Hiking for Philmont

Tonight we started with one of our practice hikes for Philmont this summer. We all had backpacks on with some weight in them. We all moved uphill fairly quickly and made our return trip as the sun was setting.

Box Springs Mountain Park – Evening Hike

This evening I went on my usual hike up Two Trees trail into Box Springs Mountain Park. What was unusual about this hike was that it was my first attempt to use my backpack and I included 30 pounds in it for good measure. The evening started off warm and the hike was slow. However, […]

Weight of the Grandchild

It was another warm night. Elizabeth’s mom had a final to take on line so I offered to take Elizabeth for a walk. When she saw the backpack, she started saying “walk, walk, walk” excitedly. She may not understand that she is really not going for a walk. Grandpa is going for the walk.


Evening Hike

As anticipated, it was in the 90’s today, 92 to be exact. I wanted to go hiking, but it is was hot outside. I decided to wait until about an hour before sunset knowing it would be a little dark on the way back down the trail.

One of the first things I noticed is […]

Evening Ride

It was another nice evening so I went for a walk and Elizabeth got to ride. I thought about the typical 2.2 mile loop that I do. However, it was just to nice of an evening to not go further. We decided to drop down to the bike path and march on. Last time we […]

Evening Walk

It was rather hot here today. The one time I checked the temperature it was 89 degrees and it is only the middle of March. The weather reports show late snowfall in the east. Frankly I would take a little snowfall here, or at least int he mountains with rain in the valleys. We need […]