March 2025

1,999 and 199

Today is a day to possibly celebrate. When I started up the Wii this morning to weigh in, the Wii Fitness program announced that it was my 1,999 day to start that program. I have watched that number climb for a few years now. It seems a little scary that it has been almost five […]

F02 is Gross

Early in my day my daughter complained about the washing machine. It had given us a error code of F02 the evening before and now it was fairly consistent. Washing one load of closes was not working. Knowing that with the right search I could find an answer I searched “Whirlpool Duet F02 error code” […]

Websites and Dummies

The whole of politics sometimes annoys me. Being mostly libertarian, I get tired of the back and forth. I think, just give me my freedom. However, sometimes there a kernels of humor within the back and forth that cause me to smile. From Breitbart

Tennessee State Senator Brian Kelsey presented HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius with […]

Su Casa – Taking a bite out of problems . . .

In life there are times that you need to face you nemesis. A time when that which is good prevails over that which is bad, provided you have the proper resources. For example, the Su Casa Apartments have been a nemesis to the neighborhood for as many years as I have lived here and that […]

Taurus vs Accura - the outcome

I do not think there is a clear winner in the Taurus vs. Accura contest. I was sure that the other guys car was totaled. I had a fairly good idea that the Taurus was going to be totaled as well. I guess you would call that a fight to the death and both vehicles […]

Taurus vs. Acura

There are time in your life you wish you were in a different spot in the universe. For example, this afternoon, I wish I was not on Main Street stopped in the left lane waiting to turn left. If I was not sitting there thinking of getting a couple of chocolate shakes and a half […]

Griffith Park Observatory - Crew 6

We were off for an adventure in LA on Tuesday night. We stopped at Carl’s Jr to learn a little about physics. If you try to eat the Six Dollar Jalapeno Cheese burger you will not be able to finish your fries. From there it was off to the observatory to learn a little more.


Instant Messaging

Technology is a wonderful thing. As I was working on sending out a mass emailing to almost 500 people regarding an upcoming scout training, I was sitting behind my desktop computer and had my laptop on my left. Both were up and running and I did a few different things. I went into the living […]